diggerfortruth #conspiracy #racist #crackpot diggerfortruth.wordpress.com

The other day I got into a discussion with a socialist about immigration. His viewpoint was typically ‘no borders’ and everyone should be free to move where they want. He then tried to tell me how rich Britain is due to slavery. Implying we owed the world everything. Even though most working class people are in poverty.

I reminded him that it wasn’t the common people who benefited front he slave trade, it was the jews.

Oh boy – fireworks.

This socialist (who just happened to be a jew) immediately as fast as lighting came at me with a venomous attack almost in my face “I’M A JEW – that’s racist – you’re a racist. That is anti-Semitic………”

Of course I’m versed enough in all these slanders. The term ‘racist’ was a slanderer word created by the mass murdering jew Trotsky, in order to defuse any defense by European whites.

And this jew wasn’t a true Semite at all.

Again, the jew will never rationally discuss facts; so don’t even try be rational. Oh no, he can only use slanderous attacks when faced with the Truth.

The reaction of this jew and many like him remind of an experienced martial artists, who has trained for many years to deal with attackers. Every form of attack he has trained for – kicks, punches, locks, strangulations, knifes, etc. His training has been so intense and prolonged, that he’s built up a muscle memory. So whenever a real life situation occurs, his instincts and reaction are so fast and automatic.

This was the experience with this jew. It was like I used a trigger word which hit a nerve, which sparked off his conditioned response: racist, anti-semitic, racist, anti-semitic, racist, anti-semitic….

The good news is these words just don’t have the clout they used to have. And they know it.

It was another example of how vicious and vile these people are when confronted. It was like a satantic snake spitting in my face. Not a nice experience, even for a hardened jew-wise soul as myself.

My response was to just keep calm and smirk at him. He knew he couldn’t get anywhere with me, as he knew I was jew-wise and could deflect any of his attacks. However, it still wasn’t a pleasant experience. The trick they use is to come at you hard n fast, in order to throw you off the subject matter (the Truth and facts), so that you’re more concerned with dealing with their aggressive reaction. It works! It can really throw you, no matter how much you think you’re prepared. In addition they want you bite and to start getting aggressive towards them, even violent; because then they will use their legislation against you under a ‘hate crime’. You can just read the local headlines ‘Evil racist nazi victimises innocent jew – another anti-semitic attack.’

This guy (these people) was incredible; he is out there actively trying to promote the false believe that white people as a collective are to blame for the black slave trade; and how my race and culture is only civilised due to the profits off of the slave trade. Yet, when I point out to him the Truth – that it wasn’t in fact White culture, but HIS jewish culture who were to blame for the black slave trade; he lashes out in a torrent of aggressive abuse. Of course not addressing the Truth, but just accusations and slander. How’s that for jewish inverted projection!

I had a similar innocent at a Palestinian demo once where a jew didn’t like my flier. He informed me in an assertive manner that he was offended. As he was ranting at me and informing how offended he was, in the background the speaker was reading out all the names of hundreds of children who had just been slaughtered by his tribe. He had no sensitivity towards these real victims; just that he was the victim because he was offended by my flier (which was just Truth).

Within minutes he had managed to round up a group of chosenites, who also happen to be victims and offended by my flier. It was like having a pack of hyenas surround me. All of them baiting me with their two favourite soundbites: racist – anti-semite – racist – anti-semite – racist.

Somehow I managed to get out of this situation unscathed.


So in reflection, I hope these pointers help those who find themselves in a similar situation:

1/. Try and avoid getting into these confrontations in the first place.
It was only my big mouth that got me into this dodge in the first place. These subjects are too close to my heart and I struggle not to speak the Truth. I can’t stand people trying to preach to me that 2+2=5. Why should I/we keep quiet about the Truth? But sometimes in some situations we have to be a bit canny. Especially if you’re on home territory or with children, or vulnerable people. Sometimes we have to be wise as to when and where we pick our fights.

We would be better off expending our energies elsewhere than try to confront these jews and lefties head on in a confrontational situation on the street. We are better off putting our energy into waking up new blood than trying to covert with these mind-controlled zombies.

2/. Keep calm
I would suggest 99.9% of the time you are not going to be hit. Especially by a jew, as they’re generally cowards. If anything the jew wants you to attack him, in order to be seen as the poor victim. So, no matter how intimidating they may appear, try to keep your cool, try not to show fear, even if you have to act it. By all means stand your ground; but keep it level headed. Try and resist using inflammatory language and NEVER MAKE THREATS OF ANY SORT.

These days we have to think legal. They will drum up any one of their legislative laws (talmudic law) against you if they can get away with it. And you will invariably lose and pay in many ways….financially, criminal record, lose your job, whatever. So try not to bite to their baits.

3/. Walk away
For most people this is hard to do if their ego is involved. The classic train of thought is “I’m in the right, I’m standing for Truth, so why should I have to walk away from these scumbags?” And on one level this is very true. But I still say walk away. Just like a fight situation on the street, your objective is to get out of that situation unharmed. You do not want to get entangled in any aggressive street confrontation – it’s too messy. We can be bastions for the Truth in many other productive ways. Put your ego in your pocket, leave with a neutral comment and calmly walk away. Don’t run! I promise you, when the adrenaline and emotions have settled the next day. You will be glad you didn’t get engrossed in a street confrontation, with a court order lingering over you.

4/. Do not attempt to argue
It’s futile with the jew and most lefties. Their bias and brainwashing is so deep. Their believe that 2+2=5 is so engrained into their psyche that it is near on impossible to change their opinion. So don’t attempt to. Obviously on the street is not like an e-mail or forum correspondence. One cannot produce links with data and evidence, argue out each point item by item. It’s all about who can screech the most. And guaranteed no one can screech as much as the jew. They are programmed to do so. It matters not how much they attack you, they will always end up the victim. You will never ever have a balanced open discussion about the Truth with a jew – ever. And nobody can use conditioned soundbites and memes like a hardened socialist/lefty. So with either it is a futile and negative experience. These people can take years off your life through stress alone. Don’t waste your time and energy on them.

5/. 3rd party information
If you do make comments regarding the Truth, in some situations you may wish to talk in terms of a third party having informed you of your information. So for example, you could say that a guy you used to work for told you xyz. So this keeps you neutral. It’s not your opinions, it’s just what someone has passed onto you and you’re confused about it. It may help keep tempers from flaring up.

In conclusion
I’m glad this jew got to hear someone challenge his narrative. That he experienced someone jew-wise, who dared to tell him straight to his face that two plus two adds up to four. This probably shook him up and ruffled his arrogance. And I’m sure he’s now experiencing more and more of this these days. This is all good. And they need more of this. So as unpleasant as it was, it was positive.

Not only that, the non-jews who were around him would have observed how he over-reacted towards me, when I was being very civil towards him. This alone may get them to question why he was so aggressive and whether he was trying to cover up for something. If not this time, but maybe down the line when they experience more aggressive jewish behaviour, they may question their beliefs. The jew only cares about him/herself and his/her race. The jew uses these brain-washed socialists to do his/her bidding. The jew loathes and disrespects these gullible socialists as much as we do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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