" I suppose any view that goes against one's own beliefs will always be considered propaganda. "
No, any view that goes against reality is propaganda.
"Just like the global warming alarmists. They ignore the reality and facts and go on their merry way believing what they want. "
Exactly. The alarmists are yelping about how much damage carbon emission limits will harm the economy, but don't seem to understand if you destroy the ecosystem that keeps you alive you will die.
"Evolution is evolving into a non-entity."
Scientific creationism evolved into ID. After it's turn in court, ID will evolve into something else. But it won't make any more sense.
"There is no proof, just theory and conjecture. "
ID doesn't even have theory or conjecture, just mythology. Evolution has facts.
"The movie is not propaganda, but common sense. "
Only if you have a room temperature IQ.
"Darwin was wrong and everyone knows it."
Only if you have a room temperature IQ.
"But to save face, let's bash the other side. "
I don't think you want to start side bashing with me.
"Politics, anyone?"
I prefer science, but if you want to do politics, I'll finish what you start.