evantisin #fundie forums.gametrailers.com

[Discussion is about blood donations: So, saving a life is immoral, yet letting someone die, isnt?]

This is the same kind of controversy as the whole matter of stem cell research and cloning, right?

Nobody is required to do any of this. You would choose for yourself whether or not you'd like to use a blood transfusion instead of bloodless surgery.

The only person you're "letting die" is yourself, and not even that's 100% certain since bloodless surgery is still an available option, if you're a Jehovah's Witness.

You might be saving a life if it works, yes, but the exchange is simply not worth it in the long run if you believe in God.

It's like when Esau traded his birthright for lentil soup. Going after bodily needs (that could have been fulfilled through other means), he would give up a critical inheritance to his future in the long term, even though he was fine right after having done so. Likewise, mixing one's blood with that of another artificially gets two different souls needlessly intertwined and both the blood doner and the one who decides to use the blood in a blood transfusion will lose their inheritance in God's Kingdom.

Blood is sacred because blood is life. If you are a Christian, you wouldn't trade it around like an asset on a market.

In fact, there are such things as body parts being sold on the black market. Is life so trivial?



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