various commenters #transphobia

RE: Why do trans "women" think they look convincing as women?

( SummerGrl )
It's a mental illness. They are not connected with reality. Delusional beliefs. I think it's cruel that society is lying to these men because it just pushes them further into their delusions and if anything breaks them from that, they can't handle it. That's why they get so overly aggressive and violent by things as simple as misgendering. Their overblown reactions do not match the perceived slight.

( mathlover )
Because people use the phony pronouns.

At work, people are forced to because otherwise the TIMs get people fired.

Everywhere else people are afraid of these mentally unstable men lashing out verbally; making a scene; yelling; and, especially for women, becoming violent. So they use the phony pronouns.

There should be clear and concise stickers EVERYWHERE - millions of them - stating that nobody actually believes the phony pronouns and that when these men hear "she/her" they should hear he/him because that's what we all really mean. They should have to see, everywhere they look, that no one actually believes they are women.

( no- )
That’s the problem with “true trans”. “Truscum” think men who pass as women are the only ones who should be allowed to colonize female only spaces because they’re properly transitioning, not the “fake transes” who make them look bad. But here’s the thing: every single “true trans” thinks he passes, every single one of them perceives himself as non-threatening and doing the trans thing right. They’re delusional. Blaire White doesn’t pass, he only happens to be easier on the eyes than an AGP crossdresser. Everything is always self-ID with these people, including the dysphoria diagnoses they easily get by lying to their doctors, who are afraid to challenge them regardless. They’re unreliable narrators, so why should they be trusted to decide that reality doesn’t apply to them because they believe their own charade? Nonsense.

( hard_headed_woman )
As long as people contribute to the delusion, TIMs can pretend they pass. Deep down, they know they don't. Just like deep down, they know they will never, ever be women despite some of these idiots thinking that surgery and hormones make them an actual woman.




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