My family and I cant wait to vist the Creation Museum. I will be happy to see Gods word open up on display for all to see. As far as you non believers are concerned do you really think we evolved from apes? What did the ape evolve from? or any other animal for that fact? I believe in the big bang theory, God spoke and Bang it happened. And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!
31 comments you really think we evolved from apes?
No. Ape-like ancestors.
What did the ape evolve from?
Ancient hominids.
or any other animal for that fact?
I believe in the big bang theory, God spoke and Bang it happened.
Prove it. Prove that that was how the universe came to be. Then try to get it published in a scientific journal.
And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!"
Federal holiday. You lose.
As far as you non believers are concerned do you really think we evolved from apes?
I'll do you one better, we still are a type of ape.
What did the ape evolve from?
Common mammalian ancestor if you want to go back that far.
or any other animal for that fact?
Common eukeriotic single celled organism.
I believe in the big bang theory, God spoke and Bang it happened.
Please, provide some peer reviewed, empirical or mathematical data for supporting this, and give a risky/non-obvious prediction this theory makes about future events. Rapture/2nd coming don't count b/c no matter how many times it doesn't occur, you will just keep telling me that it eventually will. Usable future events include but aren't limited to lab experiments, data from field observation, the sky during the next solar eclipse, etc.
And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!"
If they want to give me a day off, who am I not to take it. Plus, one of the few good things Christianity has to offer the world (even though most religions do it too) is the pretty decorations, spirit of giving gifts, and week of relaxation during the unpleasent winter months
Actually, "Christmas", as most christian holidays, is just a pagan holiday the christian churches assimilated. Or do you see any references of christmas trees, mistle-toes, etc. in your book?
We are quite fine celebrating Christmas with all the cool pagan symbols around, such as the christmas tree and santa claus.
YOU on the other hand should go back to celebrating the birth of Jesus on januraty 6th, the way they did it before Emperor Constantine.
If you want to see God's word in action, go to Darfour and help the poor people(or to the ghetto in your town, for that matter), or to a church. But don't expect much accuracy in that "museum"
And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!"
As a matter of fact I've worked every Xmas day since I was out of you Allen can suck it.
I hope your BS museum also displays Biblical animals, such as quadruped insects, and bats with feathers, and bovine rabbits. Oo! And whales with gills, yea!
Learn some science, you mental paralytic.
December 25th was originally a pagan holiday...Christians just put Jesus's birth then to cover up said holiday....
I'm guessing humans are evolving into big ugly fat shaved apes now. See Bro. Randy and Google image search for "cap-alert tom" to see what the hell I mean....
*bashes head repeatedly on keyboard*
...Oh, and Christmas isn't yours, by the way. It belongs to pagans. You guys just stole it.
"And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!"
Or perhaps you could stop taking the day off on the 25th, since it's a pagan holiday.
“My family and I cant wait to vist the Creation Museum. I will be happy to see Gods word open up on display for all to see.”
For all to see after they buy a ticket…
“As far as you non believers are concerned do you really think we evolved from apes?”
I am an ape. my parents were apes. Going back pretty far we’re apes. At some point they no longer qualify as ‘apes,’ exactly. And the farther back you go, the less ape-like we (our gene pool) become.
So that’s a yes.
“What did the ape evolve from? or any other animal for that fact?”
There’s a bunch of books that could help you, there.
“I believe in the big bang theory, God spoke and Bang it happened.”
Then, no, you don’t accept the Big Bang theory.
“And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!”
I have worked a number of Christmases, as a matter of fact. It’s still undesirable, because it is a national holidy and a family celebration. Pagan Solstice repackaged by the Church.
Nothing much to do with what i do or do not believe. Santa’s nowhere in scripture. Or the Christmas Tree. That came back to England with the troops that fought Napolean. But, sure, pretend that only believers celebrate Xmas.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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