What did I always say about the Alt-Right & White Nationalists?
They're ALL Leftist agents!
Here's Chris "Crying Nazi" Cantwell (@Cantwell?) admitting he talked to the Huffington Post to "ruin @Ricky_Vaughn99?'s life."
This is worse than Black on Black crime!
#LULZ #Ghost
Well, to be fair, there are some significant differences between the alt-right and traditional conservatives. That doesn't mean that everyone who is different than them is "left". It also illustrates a difference between the left and the right: The mainstream left fully acknowledges that antifa, black bloc, socialists, most communists, and some libertarians (in the American sense of the term) are on their side of the political spectrum, even if some of them wish they were not. The mainstream right, however, generally No True Scotsmans their extremists and eccentric subgroups as not being on their side of the spectrum.
Due to a general lack of a solid definition of "left" and "right," there really isn't a good way to handle a question like "are the alt-right really rightists."
But while there isn't one correct answer to that question, there are definitely incorrect answers. And Ghost's answer is definitely incorrect. Distance yourself from the alt-right all you want; seriously, it's better for everybody that the neo-nazis lose all their support. But don't pin them on the Democrats; they are not members, and they are not supported.
Well, here's one.."
Proof that we who don't think like the Trumptards etc don't have to do a single thing.
They're tearing each other apart. >:D
The ancient sages said, 'Evil must have Good to feed upon. And then, destroys itself. '
-"The Water Margin"
The way things are going, time to stock up on Popcorn!
Ricky Vaughn? He was OK once he ditched the rich bitch and went back to throwing his fastball.
I think that might not be the one he's talking about, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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