Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 13:00 and ending around 15:21 of a 36-minute video)
okay on to the next bit.

recently some bloke asserted that I couldn't prove that trans-identifying men were a threat to women. I sent him to the crime page on my website and I haven't heard from him since

Taln said "I don't doubt that you have some collection of 'trans women who are bad'" - you could say that - "but that doesn't prove anything". Yes it does! It proves that there are trans-identifying men who are bad. It proves that claiming to be women doesn't make violent, predatory men less so. You seriously think that we should be accepting these men in our single sex spaces. Seriously? I'll link to that vid below. And Taln said "we don't take away rights from minority groups just because some individuals from said group behave badly" no of course we don't. But we do take away rights from half the population because members of the other half - the dominant half, many of whom do indeed behave badly - don't give a toss about the safety and well-being of women and girls.
Next. "The assertion that 'gender criticalism'" - I've not heard that one before, and I don't know why he puts it in quotes because nobody actually says it - "the assertion that gender criticalism would only mean that the person believes that biological sex where immutable and separate from gender identity is fundamentally dishonest." and he goes on to say what he thinks it means, including that trans people should be forced into spaces on the basis of their sex instead of forcing themselves on people of the other sex in their spaces. But no, it isn't fundamentally dishonest to say as I did that

the core tenet of gender criticism is that woman means adult human female therefore so-called trans women are men and they don't experience womanhood at all

that isn't what gender criticism only means, but it is the core tenet and other views flow from it. But not everyone who agrees with the core tenet agrees on everything else.



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