Watched it. They came across well. They will get beat up by liberal media for using the term 'choice' in describing Josh's actions. It was more about immaturity and not understanding the depth of wrong and harm connected with it.
But get real. What he did was wrong, yes. It was more inappropriate curiosity, not full on pedophilia. He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel. Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far.
"Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far."
No, they're more likely to say, "well, he got away with only a slap on the wrist, so I guess maybe I can too."
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel."
Did that include a court of law? If not, well, it does not count, I'm afraid...
It was more about immaturity and not understanding the depth of wrong and harm connected with it.
Maybe if they'd actually had a talk with their son about sexuality instead of pretending that sex doesn't exist, then this wouldn't have happened.
How did he stay curios after molesting several girls?
He did not confess and submit to the authorities. That only happened after the statute of limitation had passed.
No, this is a lesson for those who want to molest without ending up in jail; join the Quiverfull movement and keep it in the family. Or, ya know, become a Catholic priest...
The strongest lesson of this is that, as long as you're a Christian, you can do such horrible deeds, so long as you confess your sins afterwards, no matter how heartfelt and genuine. Then the family and surrounding figures of authority will take their own course of punishment, which would be comparatively lenient compared to that served by the court of law, and will then say that you have repented once done. All the while, the same figures that were involved in the process of discipline for the offence, can do their best to cover-up the scandal so that you can be presented as a positive role model for the community, and no-one else has to know the dirty secrets.
The lesson that Josh supposedly learned was one that took a while for him to get seemingly. He's not the brightest light in the harbour, it seems.
He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel.
But not to the legal authorities, who should have handled it from the beginning.
Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far.
Sure, just claim to be born again and you'll skip any punishment.
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel."
Then he did it again.
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel."
Then he did it again.
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel."
Then he did it again.
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel."
Then he did it again.
How many times more, that we haven't heard of? Do you now understand why he can never "put it behind him"?
"Watched it. They came across well."
It was a FoxNews softball interview, No questioning their decisions and totally under their demands. Even then, no, they were caught on lying and wouldn't speak of most issues surrounding it.
"not understanding the depth of wrong and harm connected with it."
really? In a nudity shaming religion he at 14 didn't have any reason to think it was wrong? You people really gotta give us a detailed list of everything you're sexually backwards about.
"inappropriate curiosity"
I'll give you and the Duggars that, I really don't want to know or expect to hear all the details, that's a matter for the courts they won't be facing. I however expect it was full on incestuous action or daddy never would have spoke of it outside the family.
I'm also thinking they had quiverfull people who demanded this saw legal action, remember of the five at least two weren't direct family members apparently.
Even within the movement this all may have come to a head with a "Momma don't let your girls stay at Josh Duggars" (available on Redneck records soon) agenda, within the actual group such warnings are discouraged.
I guess a little pedophilia is ok, so long as it isn't full on. I mean it doesn't seem that there was actual penetration.
Do you think Josh understood the "depth of wrong and harm connected" as an adult when he told everyone who would listen about how marriage was a sanctified relationship between only one man and one woman as he was out paying whores for sex? What do you think?
"He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel. Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far."
Jimmy Savile . Never mind your 'argument', your existence is invalid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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