TheKnitta & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia

Staff working in rape and trafficking centres are routinely subjected to bullying and intimidation for defending women's rights, report warns | Daily Mail Online

( TheKnitta )
The Rape Crisis Centre I went to for years, that was so adamant at keeping a woman-only space and was so supportive and wonderful, has recently started posting shit like ‘TWAW’ on Facebook. It made me wonder what had gone on internally, because I can’t imagine many of the staff who were there when I was would’ve agreed to that.

Many women from the Middle East used their services, and they had specially trained women for it (languages spoken etc). I can’t see many, if any, of the Middle Eastern women I knew back then using the service now if men are there. Such an important resource for refugee women, trashed for the fetish of a few men in dresses.

The selfishness of men never ceases to enrage me. They’re smirking at this. It’s why they do what they do. It turns them on. Of anyone, I’d have expected staff at Rape Crisis to know this. It’s heartening to hear some women are still standing up for women, at least, but the threats they face are disgraceful.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

It made me wonder what had gone on internally

My guess is they hired some new young staff out of university trained in Social Work, who are completely high on Gender Ideology. Same thing happening to teachers.

( TheKnitta )
I know in the city I lived in previously a TIM from the local university took a very close interest in ‘fundraising’ and ‘helping’ the local Rape Crisis Centre there…while trying to wriggle their way into the staff. No idea if they finally managed it. I hope not, but if my local Rape Crisis is anything to go by, you’re probably absolutely spot on. All the work women built up over years, chucked away for a few pervert men in dresses. It’s enraging.



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