The USA and other western countries have become totally satan possessed, and are far from the words of Jesus, and the Bible...under the guise of "freedom" they allow every imagineable degration to the human body, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually...yet millionaire preachers from the USA in particular, run all over the planet trying to bring "christianity" to other people...they should take the sliver out of their own eyes and start converting the people in their own countries first...
"yet millionaire preachers from the USA in particular, run all over the planet trying to bring "christianity" to other people...they should take the sliver out of their own eyes and start converting the people in their own countries first..."
No, we should send them to ISIS to convert the heathen. Then all the fundies could kill each other and leave decent people alone.
You know, if you take some scissors and paste to this....
"millionaire preachers from the USA""have become totally Satan possessed"."they should take the sliver out of their own eyes". "they allow every imagineable degration."
There. Fixed.
Well, as you Religious Reich types, from the Raygun era, were wont to say:
America. Love it, or LEAVE it.
Kinda rings hollow for you lot, now the glove's on the other fucking foot, eh...?! >:D
First off, who are the "they" that "allow every imagineable degration (sic)"? And what, prey tell, is a digration? I can think of one abomination right now: it is your spelling.
Second, the reason millionaire preachers run all over the planet is that it is cheaper and easier. Why set up in "scary" "urban centers" which are pricy when you can go to an impoverished nation and hand out some food in the name of Jesus?
I really feel like ranting right now...
"The USA and other western countries [...] are far from the words of Jesus, and the Bible"
Nothing makes me happier. While I have nothing against religions in general, it's about time your antiquated and frankly harmful beliefs start to die out. News flash, the Dark Ages and the Renaissance ended a looooong time ago. The fact that even a handful of you people are still able to exist is depressing.
Face it, the world only improves tremendously when- and wherever it doesn't listen to religion. If it was up to them, we wouldn't even have printing presses! So nothing to mass produce those precious bibles of you, dumbass. Theocraties are a thing from caveman times. And it's because of people like you that we had 1000 friggin' years without any development at all! Imagine where we would have been without that!
So just accept that the world is changing, is no longer controlled by outdated beliefs and is starting to modernize. It'll make the transition a lot more pleasant for all of us.
Honeymay (LOVE that name), we have choices in the USA. What that means is that we don't all have to be Christians. I don't like millionaire Americans trying to convert other people, either here or abroad. Their money doesn't mean that their opinions should be respected. That's what's called freedom. The words of the bible are optional, and those who don't believe them are not necessarily evil people. Similarly, not all professed Christians are GOOD people, either.....
So, it is Satan we should thank for the progress we've made since the enlightenment period? Without Satan would we not have improved medical care (from vaccines to anesthetics), education, technology, more advanced human rights, and everything else that is a major plus when compared to the days of strong Christian influence over the west?
If missionaries want to make a genuine difference they should provide the needy with what they truly desire, like all respectable charities. They need clean water, better education and improved healthcare, not an important message from God. Their efforts should be dedicated to that first and foremost; I'm sure a truly loving deity would understand that this should take precedence over it.
Your "millionaire preachers from the USA in particular" ARE preaching exclusively to Americans. That's how they got to be millionaires. Any claim they have of "converting" elsewhere they spout is either a lie or they're trying to pick up western world Christians into the flock.
"mo money mo money mo money."
Evangelist Bible Chapter 1 Verse 5, 12, 17 etc.
Ironic fact
Both Ken Ham and Ray Comfort left Australia and New Zealand to America, a MORE CHRISTIAN country to "spread the word".
Since they've arrived Atheisms been growing and church attendance has dropped off.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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