MacyJane #transphobia

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Submitters note regarding context: the Video in question is a reaction by Maria Mclachlan/”Peak Trans” to a video by a trans woman titled “why Rachel Dolezal isn't Caitlyn Jenner”)

This video is gold. It's a topic that even in more open spaces that generally allow for gender critical critique/discussions, it is an aspect that remains censored incessantly. Because despite even regarding the leftists who are gender critical, they're often still afraid to go anywhere near race. No matter the context and how relevant it is. The thing is... it's the same thing. So many slacktivists claim it's "not the same thing at all! Stop comparing them!", but they won't say's different. Because they can't say. And even those who aren't gender cultists, their reasoning is that it's just not politically correct to speak on race. Especially if you are white.

But the truth always rears its ugly head when a black feminist comes right on out and says it, that they ARE functionally the same thing, and that in fact, race isn't nearly as solid as sex is. Race is far more amorphous, more nebulous, more ambiguous than sex. It is far more a social construct than even gender (not sex, because obviously sex is NOT a social construct). If anything could be up for identity, between race and sex, the former would make more sense. But it's still absolutely batshit for a white person to identify as black.

Inevitably, that black woman who speaks on this issue gets the boot firmly on her neck, and it's almost always by a white leftist who wants to shut her up. So I don't think the reluctance towards (and desperate fear of) talking about racial sex ID v sex self ID comes down to "being respectful" or politically correct. It's primarily about what it's always about, avoiding common sense. Avoiding the truth like the plague. Because the moment you spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it, the whole house of cards falls apart.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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