David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

Taylor Swift is praised by the wicked masses because she is a sex symbol, promiscuous, sensual, sassy, defiant, has an attitude, rich, young, pretty, successful... but never a mention is made about her obeying God. Who cares about God, right? Today's youth are being taught to have all the wrong goals and priorities in life. Taylor Swift is a Godless heathen spoiled brat! Miss Swift dresses like a bedroom whore, with that gleam in her eye, wearing low-cut blouses, miniskirts, singing about extramarital relationships; but she never praises God, never sings about the honorability of marriage, never praises the virtues of avoiding premarital sex, never sings about chastity or virtue, never praises abstinence from booze, et cetera. How does she use her incredible influence to help anyone for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake? Obviously, she doesn't!

Young girls, Taylor Swift doesn't care about you, so she'll never tell you what I'm about to tell you—IF YOU HAVE PREMARITAL SEX, YOU'RE GOING TO GET BURNED!!! You young girls are going to end up pregnant, alone and left with the choice of murdering your child or raising the baby by yourself (or with a secondary father). Your life will be ruined, while she lives high on the hog with her $300,000,000!!! Taylor Swift is nothing but big trouble! Please don't give her your money! Luciferians are her bosses! I'm not just taking about Taylor Swift, I'm talking about every mainstream entertainer today, including HollyWEIRD and the music industry. Even the so-called Contemporary Christian music (CCM) industry is infected and contaminated with New World Order satanism.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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