Eve Lorgen #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

The Love Bite presents us with a woman's refreshing view of the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. Many people find themselves mysteriously thrown into obsessive relationships, but a few otherwise reliable witnesses claim to have been set up into bonding dramas by alien beings. Eve Lorgen is determined to solve the mystery. By her definition, the Love Bite is a kind of "psychic rape" whereby the victim is abducted, then manipulated into bonding with a targeted love partner chosen by the alien beings. The effects of the Love Bite can range from simple break-ups of platonic relationships, to violent divorces and from "puppy love" to sudden urges to marry a stranger. Through several fascinating case histories, Lorgen demonstrates how the aliens may be orchestrating these dramas for their own ends. It is a if the aliens are harvesting human emotional energy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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