Smega-Smuga #pratt #sexist

According to this and many other similar studies, sexual activity is waaaay down among unmarried heterosexual men and is for the most part unchanged among heterosexual unmarried women

Because simple awkwardness is seen as being a creep or worse, predator. Any error at all and you are crucified. Doesn't help that radical Feminism was shoved down our throats as kids with concepts like reacting on non-verbal cues and consent is paramount to rape. You have to be so overly direct and clear what you want that it comes off as creepy and unacceptable, because women like the game of non-verbal socio-sexual signalling. It doesnt help that in college this was slammed down our throats by radical Feminist activists preaching about rape culture and scaring young men to even interact with women by trying to do the right thing. Especially with revoking consent after a sexual act because of regret, or drunk sex. Then watching the very thing radical Feminist activists preached to us being thrown out the window in actual dating and causing men to simply not know how to move forward at all because, any misunderstanding is contributing to the "campus rape culture of the white patriarchal colonial imperialist man-pigs". Feels borderline abusive the the amount of socio-sexual pigeon holing and gas lighting thats been rammed down our throats. That's not even taking in to account experience and partner count imbalances based on supply and demand of partners. Why even bother potentially runing your life because men have no legal, sexual and reproductive rights and safe guards, and are automatically deemed guilty until proven innocent.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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