Sethola #fundie

[A Rapture Ready poster speculating about what duties they will have in heaven post-rapture.]

think about it...we're gathered around His Throne Jerusalem, decked out in our new glorified bodies, worshiping, singing, dancing...flying around(?)

then our King Yeshua calls out a few saints in the temple and says.."you, you and you; there is a woman about to be decieved in x location! Take my gospel to her and take care of those decieving spirits aswell! then SHOOOO we take off and appear saying "We are the children of the Most High! The King of Heaven and Earth, Yeshua has sent us to you with the Knowledge of His Saving Grace!" then the other Saints take their Swords and blast those decieving spirits back to the Abyss.

there's my story. how do y'all see us operating in the Kingdom? just imagine! share your thoughts!



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