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Is it an MK Ultra Glitch or a Clone Glitch?

There is a phase in the research of conspiracies and truthing that one inevitably comes across MK Ultra Mind Control Programming. We know they employ it with celebrities, media talking heads, politicians, all star athletes, etc. But recently another layer to the conspiracy has revealed the even more secretive Human Cloning crisis we have on our hands. Now there are (according to Donald Marshall) three types of clones to distinguish here.
Replication clones are grown from birth using a single cell taken from the original body. Replication clones, while identical to the donor cell’s body, are their own soul with their own personality that develops independently as they grow. This is being done but is not the main way the Illuminati employ cloning.

Duplication clones are grown in about 5 months in a tank, as fully formed adults, or grown to whatever age the donor was who gave their cell sample (willingly or unwillingly). However, do not be fooled by the psyop movie “the Island;” these clones are in a perpetual coma unless activated by a real person through REM phase consciousness transfer, or else purely mechanically by an A.I. brain (Robotoid clones).
The third and apparently most common way the Illuminati use clones these days is REM driven, duplication clones . The easiest way to visualize this is two bodies, but one soul or consciousness driving both. REM driven Duplication clones can only be conscious and moving around when a normal human is asleep in REM phase and transferred via mind hack technology into that body. This is the type of cloning the Illuminati prefers to use because they don’t glitch out as often as robotoids.
Now that you know about the different weapons the Illuminati employs on the populace, form your own conclusion about the cause of these glitches. Of course some could be real people suffering from trauma based programming, but I am leaning towards these being cloning glitches.



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