Various Incels #sexist #crackpot

RE: [TeeHee] [Degeneracy] Whore mother sends her son a boob pic

Single mothers often replace their boyfriends/husband with their sons depending on them for emotional support etc although usually it goes no further than this, but if the son is a chad however, this whore got drunk and let her true feeling about her most likely chad son come to the surface

You are so toxic, yikes.

Oh yes I forgot it's 2019 mayo foids should be allowed to express themselves fully and fuck dogs and their sons, it's their body after all inkwells.


Future of some incels who manage to ascend no doubt. I bet this type of behaviour occurs even more prominently due to lonely old single-mothers and sub8 sons. Most mother/sons probably don't talk about it because of y'know....its against the law.


CuckTears will somehow try to justify her behavior

They'll start with "They are consenting adults, so why do you care ?" as they did with homosexuality. Not so long ago, it was totally normal to think homosexuality is disgusting. And nobody would blame you for saying it loud. Nowadays, this is possibly the most offensive thing you could possibly say, on about the same level as saying the word "nigger". It is very much possible that incest will be normalized too in a few decades, including the mother/son version, which would be insane if we consider that even bonobos don't break this taboo.



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