various commenters #transphobia

RE: Rethinking my friendship with a TIM

( drinkwater )
For all women, please, you do not need to look past shit to be friends with a man. You don't need to be friends with a man period. He wears his fetish out in the open. Quite literally signaling he's a pervert. Frankly I don't think a woman can get a clearer sign of danger, he doesn't even hide it.

( RisingUp )
Is this a case of you getting in your head about it, or are these thoughts the result of your gut trying to tell you something about the friendship?

I got a bad feeling when you said you’d confided in him a lot, because it seems like some TIMs mentally store that kind of thing up and use it in their woman roleplay, and it’s wildly creepy. But I could be way off. Just trust your instincts.

( FlannelRiot )
I’ve had a few TIM friends over the years, mostly back when I was in my mid to late 20s. I ended up dropping all of them once I learned more about the transgender movement and the dangers it poses to actual women. I slowly began to pull away from them, and then eventually ceased all communications. We were never friends irl (thank god), just online, via Discord (Discord is crawling with TIMs). 3 of the 4 I knew were also battling some kind of addiction to porn (mostly 2D anime stuff), and that seems to be a common theme with them. One, was even a crossplayer for a popular anime fandom. Whenever I would bring up my concerns with their unhealthy addiction to it, I’d be met with anger outbursts, so that was another thing that ultimately drove me away.


( DurableBook )
If your trans friend holds to the misogynist concept of genderism, then I struggle to see how you'd be able to have a meaningful friendship. Genderism necessarily means that he cannot view you (nor any female person) as a full and complete human. He can only be "friends" with you in the way that a man is friends with his dog.

This is true of all genderists, in my opinion, not only trans ones. The belief that gender is an innate quality rather than an imposed hierarchy erases so much of human experience, personality, and individuality, that I do not believe it is possible to have meaningful relationships with those who hold that view. And yes, this means the majority of people on Earth.



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