The Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack

This is an essential time for you as an individual as you witness these changes taking place and to also understand the incredible potential that is now emerging within the energetic space through your own Heart. Bringing to you an appreciation of how you have always existed within the sacred design of the Universe and the how this unique imprint of you has always existed within your Heart cells.

This imprint is actively emerging energetically from within you. In truth there is a higher vibrational pulse that is emanating from within your Heart cells. This is the next phase of your awakening that has always been pre-destined to enable you to re-align into the frequency access code of your higher consciousness flow.
PROCESS: Remember your Heart is a multidimensional doorway, a vehicle for you to re-access the natural extension of your Higher Self. The focus is simple, to choose to emerge within the stillness of your Heart and just be. What is essential is not to rush the process of reconnection to your Heart. Your Ego mind will never understand any aspect of this journey.
Bring both palms to rest on your physical chest. Hold your awareness on where you feel see or sense the physical pressure of your palms, or warmth of your hands connecting to your chest.
Hold your awareness on this area as you take a Conscious breath, and place the outbreath, like a soft wind, where you see sense or feel the area where you are holding your palms.
Take another Conscious breath into the opening and simply choose to let go.
Place the sacred sound, ENDAHNNN… (pronounced endarn) within the space that you see sense or feel. Your sound creates a unique frequency that your heart cells recognize.
Place your sound again, ENDAHNNN… within the space of your heart that you sense, see or feel. Take a Conscious breath into the opening.



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