Karaboo #fundie charismanews.com

I had an alarming experience playing Candycrush. I was in the middle of a season of intense dreams nearly everynight. It was so exciting I felt the Lord giving me encouragement as I prepared for a missions trip almost every night. I decided to play Candycrush because I thought it would be a harmless way to relax. I was spending less than 30 min a day playing, I don't watch tv much so I didn't see a problem playing a game in the evening for a bit of fun. After about two weeks I started dreaming about playing Candycrush. I was devistated the next morning because I had been anticipating another dream about my trip. Immeadiately I deleted the game from my facebook and a couple days later I started recieving dreams about my trip again. The Lord wants our full attention and he is jealouse of the distractions we allow in our lives. Many of my friends often ask why I have dreams so often and the answer is just this simple I don't watch much tv and I deleted Candycrush once I realized how it was effecting me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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