I had an alarming experience playing Candycrush. I was in the middle of a season of intense dreams nearly everynight. It was so exciting I felt the Lord giving me encouragement as I prepared for a missions trip almost every night. I decided to play Candycrush because I thought it would be a harmless way to relax. I was spending less than 30 min a day playing, I don't watch tv much so I didn't see a problem playing a game in the evening for a bit of fun. After about two weeks I started dreaming about playing Candycrush. I was devistated the next morning because I had been anticipating another dream about my trip. Immeadiately I deleted the game from my facebook and a couple days later I started recieving dreams about my trip again. The Lord wants our full attention and he is jealouse of the distractions we allow in our lives. Many of my friends often ask why I have dreams so often and the answer is just this simple I don't watch much tv and I deleted Candycrush once I realized how it was effecting me.
Man, people like this make me so angry, honestly I'm insensible with rage.
It's affecting not effecting.
*facepalms* Maybe you dreamed about playing Candy Crush because you enjoy it? You know, people SHOULD do what they like every once if a while (if it doesn't harm anyone else, of course). But nooooooo, you just *had+ to stop it, because nothing must stand between you and sky daddy worship.
The Lord wants our full attention and he is jealouse of the distractions we allow in our lives.
So being a robot with no mind/will/interests/desires of your own is better than playing the occasional video game?
I am so sad for you right now. What a dull, boring and sterile life you must lead.
Meanwhile, a perfectly normal Christian, somewhere else is playing Candycrush, watching TV, listening to Katy Perry, watching Johnny Depp flicks, voting Democratic, is Pro-Choice/LGBT Pride & having an active sex life...and their personal walk with the Nazarene is just fine!
Y'see, if you wingnuts would follow that same Nazarene more (in earnest), you too, may become a better, kinder, more giving, loving, charitable person.
Is it any wonder that even atheists, agnostics, deists & non-Christians even think that "Jesus Was Way Cool"? Just ask the late, great Mahatma Mohandas Ghandi!
I know K-Pop phenomenon PSY plays it on his iPhone 5 in the video of his 2nd hit "Gentleman", but you having dreams about a mere puzzle game? You're weird !
"The Lord wants our full attention and he is jealouse of the distractions we allow in our lives."
Get off that computer then Karaboo. It was developed by a homosexual Atheist - Alan Turing - after all, so if you have erotic dreams about a brilliant but slightly eccentric Englishman, don't say I didn't warn you! [/hyper-sarcasm]
"Many of my friends often ask why I have dreams so often and the answer is just this simple I don't watch much tv"
I have dreams about Lucy Lawless, star of TV's "Xena: Warrior Princess". My friends either don't ask, or say 'Was she on top? Lucky you!' >:D X3
I deleted Candycrush once I realized how it was effecting me.
And yet you are totally blind to how the "The Lord" is fucking up your ability enjoy life as a normal person. If God is so jealous that you fear having the distraction of fun, then it's time to delete him, wouldn't you say?
You must have a really dreary existence, Karaboo.
I had an alarming experience playing Candycrush.
WTF is Candycrush?
It's apparently something on FarceBook, but I personally think FB is a huge pile of crap, so I wouldn't know.
I rarely have dreams that I'm aware of, but when I do, they're almost always about some incredibly beautiful woman or another.
God, thank you for those dreams.
Ya know, if I play a game too much in too short a time, I kinda continue playing after I fall asleep too. But I find that just keeping it to a maximum of two or three rounds a day takes away the dreams right away.
We all have dreams just as often, dearie. It's the brain's way of sorting impressions into memory. What's different is whether we remember them when we wake up or not. The rest of us have lives that occupy our mind and we forget the dreams fairly quickly. You appear to have no life and obsess constantly about your dreams.
Are you any relation to Caribou Barbie? You seem to share intelligence level and interest...
This post is just depressing. It is the portrait of a person that firmly believes that they aren't allowed to have any fun, otherwise they will be overtaken by demons and sent to Hell.
That sounds like an awful existence. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Dreaming about a Facebook game? Try being creative (building things, writing poems, painting, etc), it helps having better dreams. Also, if your imaginary friend is jealous of Facebook games, he may have some issues in the ego department. Just sayin'.
So what he's saying is God is covetous?
for "God" to be true: God can't have sin, or else he would contradict the definition of the Christian God.
Given:coveting is a sin
this Quote: God is coveting our attention.
If God is Covetous, and Coveting is a sin, then God is a Sinner. Since your definition of God cannot BE a sinner, and doesn't allow sinners into heaven, He can NOT exist. He contradicts his own existence.
Boom, I just proved that God doesn't exist, I just proved the negative.
You don't watch much TV and you're scared to play games because you might dream about them? Fuck me, you're a barrel of fun, aren't you?
P.S. If the Lord wants our full attention, don't you think God would have created us so we don't need to sleep? So much for Intelligent Design.
#1564498: From the bible: For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
* Exodus 34:14
More fuel for ya. If jealousy (covetousness) is a sin, and the Lord himself says that he is not only jealous, but takes Jealous as his name, how is he not violating his own commandment?
Seriously? There's a thing called the Tetris effect, get used to it. And if you want to be so inspired you should just contemplate junk like epistemology and the phaneron. If you have to deprive yourself of mundane pleasures such as candy crush, so be it.
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