Ahanryia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com
We dragons speak now. I Ahanryia am speaking. I am lending my smoke, my fire, my cunning and wisdom to the Earth Project. The sacred Gaia has called out and we Ascended dragons have answered.
This one sees me as an emerald green female dragon. (She is quite beautiful with aquas and yellow, and golden eyes rimmed in green, appearing modest in size.) Do not be fooled by the size of a dragon, human. We are not bound by the space time that a human form is. We are malleable, changing, squeezing through wormholes and large enough to incorporate planetary energies.
I Ahanryia am speaking on behalf of the ascended dragon team that has been the crystal and portal weavers. We have been weaving inter-dimensional grids. <...> We have been working with you tirelessly in the ethers. In the dark murky places we shine our light. This project has been a distasteful one, for we prefer the light and colorful places. But the promise of New Earth, the promise of a new and better world fuel our fire. And our greatest honor is to serve the Source light, the Great Dragon, and so we do.
This ascension is an inside job. It is an inside planetary and inside bodily job. It is personal. Ascension is deeply personal because it is so deep. (She is showing me a deep blue alpine lake with an endless bottom. I am feeling dark monsters swimming deep in the lake’s depth.) These are aspects of human pain that need healing, the deeper dragon aspects that were wounded by fear and greed, by lust for gold and folklore of domination. Send it your light, as a human, send it your light. This will accelerate the healing.
(I am sending a burst of light from above me deep into the waters. The water monsters are crawling out and they are becoming less scaly and deformed and now I see they are human children, crawling on the shore crying.) Embrace them. Embrace your wounded selves. This fortifies the light within. All of you reading feel this healing. It is expanding the healing work of the collective.