Have yet to read or hear of a comment from any LGBT advocate which made a lick of sense. Of course..... they are advocating for satanic immorality. That is why everything they say is not only ridiculous but also personally offensive and insulting to anyone with an ounce of morality in their soul.
Morality is fine. You're allowed to have morality FOR YOURSELF, but imposing your version on someone else is about as logical as saying "You look hungry. Here, watch me eat this, and you'll feel better." There is no reason to mix religion into it, because THAT makes no sense.
Most comments by LGBT advocates boil down to "I'm just like you except for some things I do in private. I deserve the rights you have."
I can see why you would find that personally offensive and insulting, since it means you're not special anymore.
I often wonder how many men like Henry want their wives or girlfriends to give them a blow job, even though it meets the legal definition of sodomy.
Henry and Jerry get together and jerk-off about how sanctimonious they are. Jerry always blows first, because he's so sanctimonious that he wastes his time trolling on FSTDT instead of doing something useful. Time spent feeding the homeless? No, he's jacking while he reads-back his own comments on this board. Dumb cunt.
"That is why everything they say is not only ridiculous but also personally offensive and insulting to anyone with an ounce of morality in their soul."
Equality is offensive to you? Other people being given the same rights you've been denying them for centuries is offensive to you?
I think you need to think a bit more about what you say before you say it, lest people reach conclusions like this from what you say and figure out how much of an asshole you really are.
"they are advocating for satanic immorality"
Examples of what folks like Henry Wilson mean by 'satanic immorality':
- Saying it *isn't* true that gay = pedophile.
- Repeating that there's *far* more to homosexuality than buttsex between men.
- Pointing out that the US Founding Fathers were NOT a bunch of Bible literalist fundies.
- Showing that the 'Obama's a Muslim who's not a US citizen 'cause he was born in Kenya!' thing is just a more wordy version of 'The president is a nig(DONNNG)!'
- Pointing out that abortion is *not* 'murdering babies' because a 'baby' has been born. And that by far most abortions are performed so early in pregnancy that the embryo/fetus isn't developed enough to feel anything.
Equal rights doesn't make a "lick of sense" to you, Bubba?
Again, we are advocating equal rights for everyone.
If equal rights is personally offensive and insulting to you, then you're the one with a problem, not us.
Sodomites don't want equal rights. They want the right and privilege of flaunting their love of feces into the face of the normal society. Because that's what they are all about. That's what their "pride" parades are about--to announce to everyone that they eat, breath, and swim in each others' feces. And they demand that they are allowed to tell our children that such is a normal thing to do.
As many Christian pastors have been proposing, homofaggots ought be sent to a reserved area somewhere in California, or maybe in the satanic Vatican. That way they could easily be removed from the normal society and won't be threatening our children or promoting their disgusting attraction to sewage.
In the name of the Lord,
Christians don't want equal rights. They want the right and privilege of flaunting their love of children into the face of the normal society. Because that's what they are all about. That's what their "19 Children and Counting" is about--to announce to everyone that they eat, breath, and swim in each others' pedophilia. And they demand that they are allowed to tell our children that such is a normal thing to do.
As many as 400 Christian pastors have been exposed, pedochristians ought be sent to a FEMA camp somewhere in California. That way they could easily be removed from the normal society and won't be threatening our children or promoting their disgusting attraction to hypocrisy.
In the name of Josh Duggar,
What about all those disgusting heterosexuals I see on TV? They seem intent on flaunting the fact that one has a penis and the other has a vagina and they sometimes have sex. I don't want that kind of nonsense in my face. We should ban heterosexual marriage.
Do you see how stupid you sound?
Anyway, SSM is legal. We won June 26 and you bastards won't ever stop complaining about it, will you? I mean, that's fine. The slower you guys are to get with the time, the quicker people will realize how horrible you all are and you're way of thinking will die.
"'The president is a nig(DONNNG) !'"
That classic movie could never have been made today, in this age of political correctness existing gone mad. *smh*
"Excuse me while I whip this out." *crowd collectively faints*
Bearing false witness is a sin, Jerry.
Gay people don't eat, breathe, or swim in feces. Many gay men don't even engage in anal sex, almost no lesbians do (and the few that do use easily-cleaned "appliances"), and literally millions of straight people DO.
You sound just like the people who railed against interracial marriage in the 60s, who declared that all black men did all sorts of "degrading and unnatural" things regarding sex, and that was the only reason they wanted to marry whites. It was as much a lie as your claims now, Pharisee.
(And if it was all about one specific sexual act, why would LGBT types want marriage? Extramarital sex, even gay sex, is not illegal in the US. Makes no sense.)
"Gay people don't eat, breathe, or swim in feces. "
That must be why they get all the diseases like anal warts, anal syphilis, and other disgusting maladies...
", and literally millions of straight people DO. "
At least these perverts don't try to spread it to children by claiming it as a "lifestyle" and having "pride" parades.
Repent or Perish, sodomites!
At least [i]all[/i] right-wing Funda[i]mental[/i]ist Christain perverts - including Jerry - [i]do[/i] spread it to children by claiming it is 'God's Love , and parading their hypocrisy.
As it was with Adam & Eve, for fundies to use against anyone not exactly like them, so it is now with Josh Buggar, for we morally superior Atheists, LGBT people, and non-fundie Theists to use against the likes of Jerry.
As Josh Buggar proves, all right-wing Fundamental ist Christains are paedophiles, and worse -than sinners (but then, paedo deity , paedo followers ). No Exceptions.
<"Gay people don't eat, breathe, or swim in feces. "
That must be why they get all the diseases like anal warts, anal syphilis, and other disgusting maladies...>
I'm no expert, but I'd be willing to bet those conditions appear just as frequently in the heterosexual population. Actually, more often, considering there are a lot more heterosexuals around. But percentage of population affected should be about the same between the two groups.
<", and literally millions of straight people DO. "
At least these perverts don't try to spread it to children by claiming it as a "lifestyle" and having "pride" parades.>
Maybe they don't have pride parades because they don't have narrow-minded, judgemental a$$holes like you constantly telling them they're sick, wrong and going to burn in hell.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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