Jules Manson, a former candidate for Carson, Calif. city council and an ardent Ron Paul supporter, has been caught calling for President Obama's assassination-- or, as he puts it: "Assassinate the f***ing n****r and his monkey children."
Uh-huh. Feels good to just let it out after three years, doesn't it?
And people say supporters of Obama are 'playing the race card' when they dismiss his most ardent critics as racists.
Ron Paul had really better do something about his supporters... unless he agrees with them, in which case, he is a horrible, horrible little man.
"Assassinate the f***ing n****r..."
There goes your chance at city council.
"... and his monkey children."
That's it. It is wrong enough to call for Obama's assassination, but why the HELL are you calling for his CHILDREN'S deaths?!? Because they're black?
Find yourself a time portal, and set it back about 60 years.
Well, yes, that is the following the Pauls attract. You know, monkey see, monkey do...oooops!
My nicknames in my personal life are "Jules" & "Jule-Bud" but I have NO RELATION TO THIS BOZO!
He wants to murder the President & his lovely daughters! I'm suprised he doesn't mention Michelle. Does he want to take her as "spoils" or something (like slave masters & their rape-tastic relations with female slaves)?
It pisses me off that there's no mention of this Paultard being investigated by the Secret Service. The SS crawled up my ass when I made a less inflammatory remark in my college daily after the attempt on Reagan.
Apparently, it's OK to call for the assassination of Democratic presidents.
Given O'Bama's decision to cave to the demands of a facist congress, I'm prepared to pie the bastard... and to deny him service at any bar or pub that employs me...
but shooting an irishman is an abomination unto the beer gods, and threatening his kids is just beyond vile.
Ah another Ron Paul nut job, wish I can say I'm surprised but I'm really not. It seems that for every one sane (meaning not an anarchist, racist, or otherwise pure shithouse rat crazy) Ron Paul supporter I've seen, I saw ten crazies. And I mean saw in real life (talked to a crowd of them the other day), not just on TV so Paul supporters don't say it's evil liberal/conservative/corporate/whatever media holding him down.
Above Top Secret- one of the largest Conspiracy Meccas in the world- is almost singularly unanimous in their support for Ron Paul. That should tell you all you need to know.
His followers- or maybe Acolytes is a better word- are famously the most rabid, fanatical voting bloc around. He is the Dear Leader of republican political scene. Or, judging by his "How to shoot black youths and get away with it" newsletters, maybe Hitler is a better comparison.
@ SpukiKitty:
Thanks for the update.
Except, despite his weirdness, Marilyn shouldn't be among them, Lil' Ms. Troll4Life.
I'd say this describes you to a T dontcha think? A realistic artist's representation of your reprehensable self!
Now, I will feed you no more! So, savor this post.
Aside from being an avowed satanist, Marilyn Manson has displayed openly racist behavior throughout his career. How many non-white members have been in his "band?" Can you name even one?
One of Marilyn Manson's earliest hits was a song called "Rock and Roll Nigger." He has not been shy of using this word in his music. In his blatantly antichristian album "Antichrist Superstar," the opening song has the words "everyone is someone else's nigger; I know you are and so am I." Another of his songs, called "Paranoid," features the lyric "I fuck you because you're my nigger." Another song has the words "God is still white." That's not racist?
In addition, Manson has displayed blatant Nazi symbolism in many of his performances, including swastikas and Nazi uniforms. He has done paintings of Adolf Hitler and openly admires Nazi racism. He has been seen leading his fans in Nazi-like salutes during concerts that resemble the Nuremburg rallies.
Look at Ron Paul supporters on that news article's website defending the racist comments, making anti-black comments of their own (or comments about how the white man has it so hard these days), or trying to change the subject to black racists.
Exactly why I roll my eyes when the good "Dr. Paul"'s supporters claim he doesn't attract racists. Why do so many of his supporters sound like racists then?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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