theantifeminist #sexist

As far as all of these crappy aspie labels – hebophilia, ephebophilia, heboephebophilia etc, they’re all complete autistic tosh. I’ve just come back from spending another month in the former Soviet Union. I rented an apartment next to the university. Every morning I walked past a stream of young students. In 5 minutes, I would literally pass by at least a dozen girls who any sane man would fall in love with and pledge life-long devotion to at the slightest return of affection. Now I’m back in Londonistan. Nearly every attractive girl I would so much as look at let alone marry is under 18. In the FSU, maybe 50% of attractive females are under 18. In the UK, it’s perhaps 90 – 95%. Does that mean I’m an ephebophile in the UK, but as soon as I board a plane to the FSU (former Soviet Union) I turn into a normal heterosexual male? Or does it just mean that I’m honest, and due to lifestyle and genetics 95% of attractive females in the UK are under 18, and in Russia etc it’s 50%?

Recall the video of Kim Kardishan at 13? I think 99% of heterosexual males would struggle with their erections if they were alone with her lying naked on a bed. Does that mean that 99% of men are ‘hebophiles’ (not to be confused with ‘ephebophiles’, who would only find Kim attractive between the ages of 15 years 3 months and 16 years 8 months)?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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