various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @sethdillon )
I wasn't talking about Jews, @EladNehorai. Why would you assume I was? We were locked in Twitter jail for 8 months for a joke about radical gender ideology. Other comedians have been canceled, and even physically attacked, for similar crimes.


Straight up antisemitism from the CEO of the Babylon Bee. As a reminder, the Babylon Bee was one of three accounts suspended reinstated by Musk.

There are two questions every
comedian must ask himself when
writing a joke:
1. Is it funny?
2. Will it end my career because it
offends the most powerful-but-
insecure people in the world who
mitigate mockery at their expense by
self-identifying as oppressed and

( @Syngynn )
@sethdillon His comment makes me think of this jewel

( @carnifexrex )
@sethdillon you were for sure talking about jews but this is exceptionally well phrased so you can say you were talking about anyone

Also it makes the jews out themselves, as an added value

( @KristiTrumpkinDragonfly )
@carnifexrex @sethdillon possibly but I’ll get double prison time for defending myself against a tranny than I would a jew, in most States.
Better make it count

( @carnifexrex )
@KristiTrumpkinDragonfly @sethdillon a tranny might attack you physically but a jew would never dare do anything so discoverable

the punishment for defending yourself against a jew would be far far worse

( @Hypomania )
@carnifexrex I don’t think he names the jew. He probably legitimately thinks it’s the “elites” or the “globalists” that are cancelling people like him. @sethdillon

( @NordicWolf )
@sethdillon Well it does fit the bill for "anti-semitism".



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