Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof./Master Laki #crackpot #ufo #magick teslastyle101.com

You who read this, are a Master, who is able to do both these requests by yourself, but it’s a great risk for you if you are not cleared enough and if you don’t ask properly, in which case after the ascension of planet Earth into the 5th dimension you would start new cycles of 3D incarnations for 350,000 more years as a cave (wo)man. Even if you could satisfy both these requests, would you be able to repeat them continuously until it becomes automatic, as is required?

The good news is that on our planet there is a new conscious Love energy now, in the form of the Deca (Dodeca) unit which could serve you by fulfilling your every properly expressed conscious intent. I’ve been studying and working with Deca for the last 20 years and I know how to work with Deca successfully. My I-Change technology integrated into my QNL device has been proven by testing to 100% efficiently protect one from radiation poisoning and much more.
I love you, dear Master, as I love myself and I’m offering you my brotherly assistance to provide for you, for the planet Earth Shan and for all life forms both on and in her body, DIVINE PROTECTION AGAINST ANYTHING, remotely, instantly and permanently, including protection from all kinds of poisoning, including protection from all kinds of evil attacks, to provide for you and the planet Earth Shan a natural process of ascension (enlightenment, realization), to provide the balanced normalcy of: all your bodies, all bodies of the planet Earth Shan and all bodies of all life forms both in and on the planet’s body, to provide free energy body (etheric body) for you, for the planet Earth Shan and for all life forms both in and on the planet’s body, to enable your energy to serve you abundantly and permanently, to enable the planet’s energy to serve her abundantly and permanently, to enable energies of all life forms on and in the planet’s body to serve them abundantly and permanently, and to stop poverty and injustice on the planet Earth Shan.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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