"Evolution is Not a fact. It is a lie made up my infidel "scientists""
Yes, yes. Same song, different conductor.
"Look: Science has recently proven that if we were to learn something new every second, we would take well over 3 millions years to exhaust the memory capacity of our brains."
Interesting. Since you don't provide a citation for where you found this I don't believe it but it sounds interesting none the less.
"A little question here: How is it possible for us to have a brain that could hold enough info to last over 3 millions years, when all we can live up to is 90 years?"
Have you any idea the kind of sensory information you're bombarded with every single day? That, my ignorant friend, is where the brain's processing power comes in. It's thought (last I heard) that the brain stores everything that it encounters, even if it's filtered from the conscious mind.
"You are wrong about rats plague. Of course some will survive, as some rats are stronger than others, just like the cause of Black Death."
Yes, "stronger" as in better suited to their environment for various reasons. What happens to those rats? That's right, they go on to breed, thus making a new generation that will have individuals who are more and less likely to be even better suited to their environment. This is what smart people call "evolution."
"And I don't care what your heathen schools tells you. Indoctrination does more bad than good. That's why Catholic schools are needed."
The irony is so large here that I fell over it yet you somehow completely managed to avoid hurting yourself when you wrote it.
"I think that some of you Atheists are narrow-minded and I suspect, no offense, but I suspect that some of you only speak with other Atheists and get the imagination that it's hard to be a creationist in these days."
I suppose it's not hard if you happen to live in a cave somewhere in a near stone age society. Nobody else has much of an excuse though.
"Look around you! It's actually quite the opposite, your "scientists" and their lies are in retreat and will soon disappear completely."
Yeah, this "science" thing can't last much longer, can it? I mean it's only been around since the first human stuck his hand on a flaming branch and wondered what made it "hot" and how he could create the same thing. Science surely has to be gone any day now. It's obviously of no use at all.
"Get baptized in the Catholic Church now and you will be saved!"
No thanks. You go ahead and enjoy your indoctrination though.