FailedArtist #sexist #transphobia

Feminism is inherently anti female

in feminism any female nudity that represents a fit women is always a sing of serialization which is a sing of objectification meanwhile male nudity is a form of empowerment, and that man having power over women is a terrible oppressive thing. this ideological framework always guarantee that as long as man fells sexullation attraction towards women that women will be oppressed.

they will accuses even the role of women as care givers of being oppressive and that is disempowering, being good at taking care of things is literally the main thing nature equipped them for with their mammaries and large hips, but they completely reject this role and at that point they are literally worst than in a men in everything and they will fill this empty spot with some stupid ass hoby such as doing muh art or some dumb career.

even within prostitution feminist will flip flop of calling it female exploitation and that sexs work is real work, they will pretty much defend or attack sexs work 1000% based if the man they are talking to opposes or support it, as for feminists whatever men dislikes is the same as empowerment to them, it's almost like child throwing a tantrum and just doing the opposite of what adults want just to prove that they can.

in feminist ideology anything that resemblances a healthy female body represents oppression of males on females, to the point many of them will try to unsexs themselves by becoming fat, ugly and troonify themselves, the entire ideology teach women that having a healthy body is oppression and that to become a disgusting creature is the only way to combat it.

just look at all the fat tumblrinas filled with piercings, tattoos or become some other gender all to avoid the gaze of men, they will self destruct as to avoid the ''oppression'' of having men who think they are good looking.

it's a seriously terrible ideology that destroy the lives of anyone who follows it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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