I HIGHLY disagree that homo sexuality is "genetic".......God makes man in his own image......sure ppl are born with certain traits and mutations and that sort, but if God doesn't approve of homosexuality, why would he let you be "born" that way? He doesn't. He gives humans and animals "free will" so its by "choice" If you let a boy be brought up by a single parent (mother), and he is raised around certain variables like having a pink room and playing with dolls, and ALWAYS being close to his mother, will ONLY make him feminine.
"I HIGHLY disagree that homo sexuality is "genetic""
Let's see your evidence to the contrary...
...no, not beliefs, evidence. Don't worry, we won't hold our breaths. :)
if God doesn't approve of homosexuality, why would he let you be "born" that way?
Exactly! If you're born that way, it must mean that God doesn't really disapprove!
Ahh, more fundie pseudo-psychology. How would they know these conditions 'make' males gay? Do they experiment on their own sons? Do they give their daughters camoflage and combat boots to see if they dyke out?
Dumb, dumb, dumb!!!
Regime2008 speaks wisely. Clearly having a pink room makes a male gay.
Just as having a female live in a blue room will make her lesbian, and a person of either gender in a yellow room will be bisexual.
Similarly people living in orange rooms choose solely to have sex with carrots and tomatoes.
Green room people prefer cucumbers/watermelon.
People living in brown rooms tend to prefer shits like you.
Glad I could clear that up for you.
I was brought up by my mother. I'm heterosexual. However, when I was growing up my neighbour, raised by both parents, was gay. You lose. Go away.
God makes man in his own image......sure ppl are born with certain traits and mutations and that sort, but if God doesn't approve of homosexuality, why would he let you be "born" that way? So he does approve of the actual defects people are born with?
[disturbing image warming]
No, wait, that's right. She 'sinned while in the womb'. Sorry, I forgot.
God makes man in his own image......sure ppl are born with certain traits and mutations and that sort, but if God doesn't approve of homosexuality, why would he let you be "born" that way? He doesn't.
So close, and yet so far.
Read the Bible, and then get back to us about this "free will" thing.
A single parent -- my father -- brought up my two brothers and me. Why did two of us turn out straight and one, gay?
Oh, and Nekhbet: Can you guess what my GI Joes did?
Your argument resembles that of Freud, except vastly more incoherent. Guess what? Freud was wrong. About a lot of things actually.
Since we can prove to you that homosexuality is natural and in-born (though whether it's genetics or womb conditions that cause it is in question), that raises the question, why does god make it so? Either he doesn't care, and seems to think it does us some favours, or he's a shit. Your choice.
Following your logic, why does God make two animals, pig and lobster, edible?. Second, animals don´t have free will. From that onwards, I see the failure of your reasoning. If a boy is brought up by a single mother:
a)that doesn´t explain lesbianism.
b)That doesn´t explain why the post-war generation hadn´t a higher incidence of gay men.
c)how you concile free will and the fact that a boy is conditioned by the environment.
d)That many gay men had, at least, a gay relative in their family.
Apart from the fact that you don´t explain Lesbianism or why men born in the WWII were not immediately gay, it´s going absurd. If God made people to his image, why so many kids who are born with Down Syndrome, for example?. Or left handed?, or...............
If God made humans in His own image, He must be both male and female.
Homosexuality is barely mentioned in the Bible. Why are you people not this ferocious against people wearing clothes of mixed fibers?
Do you have scientific evidence that being brought up by a single mother makes you gay? Don't you people usually think that women should be at home with the kids and men should be out working to support the family. Won't that also make the boys always close to their mothers?
Feminine is not the same as gay, silly.
My two brothers were brought up in the same rooms as me and my sister, and we shared the same toys. Both my brothers have female partners. Both my sister and me have male partners.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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