Because of years and years of looking at and touching scores of women inappropriately, the male gynecologist no doubt has a seared conscience and a perverted mind (I will not go into detail of what goes on in the doctor’s office for decency’s sake, but any woman who has been there knows what I am referring to.). His view of women and the marital bed has certainly been warped by his indecent involvement with countless women.
May God help preachers in this generation to make the Bible their authority, not tradition, and call this ungodly practice what it really is – sin. Any doctor that looks upon and touches a woman’s private parts in his office “hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Sir, if you let your wife go to a male gynecologist, you need to get right with God.
"Let your wife" ... you pig.
Also things like that lead to problems like they had in taliban Afghanistan. The women couldn't see male doctors and guess what, there were no female doctors cos girls/women couldn't get educated. So women were dying for lack of medical care.
My wife has a male ob/gyn, and it's a little bit disconcerting at times, but it's alright. But this numbnuts seems to think that what an ob/gyn does is sexual immorality, which would make a female ob/gyn a lesbian. Does this moron realize this? No, I doubt it.
Let's all go back the the eleventh century, shall we?
Although, there are a few sleazy ones out there; after one experience I had, I'd have to be in dire straights before I'd go to a male GYN again.
Thought 1: Does this mean he's cool with his daughter or a girl in his congregation going to medical school if she wants? Some fundie pastors aren't.
Thought 2: What *does* he think gynecologists do? It's not remotely sexy. If it is, you need to report him.
Thought 3: Would he accuse female gynos of being lesbians?
Thought 4: My best gynecologist ever is a guy. And has Tourette's. Every visit had an extra element of adventure! But seriously, he was a very compassionate man, and I think his wife is probably lucky to have him.
He seems to imply that women shouldn't be doctors. Instead of saying female doctors should treat female patients, he says pregnant women should see "expirienced" women or midwives. So, no actual doctors can treat women? Only men get the right to an actual doctor? You stupid fuck. I hope you get colon cancer, and a female doctor sticks a camera up your ass.
Shit, if you are getting checked for prostata cancer, then what? You can't go to a female doctor because it is adultry, and a male doctor then you are gay. Damn.
Aw, grow up, Mr. Anderson.
I have hubby come into the exam room with me. There's nothing sexy about a pelvic exam, and I doubt the doctor is eye-humping me when he's scraping my mucus membrane for cell samples to test for cervical caner.
You may be a warped little fuck, Steve, but that doesn't mean everyone is - and it certainly doesn't mean your female parishioners should risk missing the early signs of cervical cancer just because you're a sick pervert who can't control his own bizarre speculum fetish.
Stupid asshole. Quit risking the lives of women for your bullshit. They deserve the same level of medical care as men.
so, by that logic...all pediatritians eventually become paedophiles? because, when i was little, i had a urinary tract infection, and he had to look at my junk. soo....OH GOD HORRIBLE SUPPRESSED MEMORIES COMING BACK-oh wait, he was just a doctor, doing his job. you moron.
Re: Punches Pilot's post
I have the sneaking suspicion that Mr Anderson gets off on "Medical Sex Fantasies", & as such, surfs the Internet seeking somewhat unrealistic pornographic images of the above...
I also have the mental image of Mrs Punches strapping Mr Anderson into a gynechologist's chair, & introducing him to the fetish of "Sounding" ,in which metal "Urethral Probes/Dildos", are inserted into the male urethra, for the purpose of sexual stimulation...
Unfortunately for Mr Anderson, Mrs Punches is starting off by inserting very large probes/dildos, into his urethra, & not using any lubricant...
but what if the gynocologist is ghey? Or a lesbian?
The former wouldn't do the lusting thing, and treat a woman's body as hers, the latter MAY look and touch lustfully?
Life ain't easy is it? Especially if you're a fundie dirtyminded tosser!
Just don't let yer wimmins go to teh doktor, cuz he'll rape em and such. Pray to Jeebus when she gits sik, and if she don't git better, she was a sinner.
Sounds like you are having fantasies you sick twisted fuck.
Fapping away as you imagine all the things you would do if you were a gynacologist - then you seem to think everyone is as fucked in the head as you are!!
"if you let your wife..." What do you mean "let your wife"? She's an adult (presumably) who can make her own choices and go to whoever she feels comfortable with. I don't bother my husband with any knowlegde about ob/gyn visits, as they are rather offputting than turn-ons.
The things about adultery and inappropriately and decency and indecency are just gibberish.
How many sexual assaults have there been by percentage in the gynaecologist community compared to the non-gynaecologist community?
If we research that, it should give us an answer... Or maybe science isn't your forte... Logic definately isn't.
Well, pastor, I prefer my practicing Catholic ginecologist, not only because he hasn´t committed any adultery whatsoever with his wife of 21 years, but he does a wonderful job. He, unlike you, doesn´t consider anything that has to do with sex filthy or sinful.
The problem is, have you ever thought that without many male gynecologist many women wouldn´t have living children?. So, the whole sex-for-procreation only(if that can be considered, ehem, sex)goes to the sink.
Following that stupid rule, nobody should be coroner or pediatrician. God knows how many homo and heterotic fantasies, let alone pedophilia, cross to their minds.
Since God has already decided everything in advance, why send her to any gynecologist in the first place? If there's a problem with the pregnancy, well, it's His Will and He Has His Reasons and all that crap - right?
Or are fundies who go to doctors of any kind a bit uncertain about their faith and taking insurance, just in case?
If you think that every single man has only sex on his mind, at all times, perhaps you should consider your own behavior, just to check whether or not you're projecting...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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