Every shipwright in the world - certainly those well-versed in maritime history - will be able to uttely annihilate yours, and every Bible literalist's, argument, supajimson:
A.k.a. Rochambeau. It sailed only once (for delivery to it's new owners; it never sailed in open waters again). in 1871.
Riddle me this, supajimson: If the Rochambeau was the biggest - and most recent wooden-constructed ship of modern times (considered so unseaworthy, even though it used metal to reinforce said wooden construction, it never sailed again), then how could something designed to hold at least two of every species that exists today - that by definition would have to be far larger than the Jahre Viking, the biggest ocean-going vessel built to date (all metal-constructed hull, natch), possibly survive even being launched, never mind float for 40 days & nights without sinking?
And to my knowledge, and reading the Bible, there's absolutely no mention of your 'God' intervening to the end of keeping said 'Ark' seaworthy (remember: if it's not mentioned in the Biblle, the literal 'Word of God', it never happened. Period.. The concept of 'Structural Integrity Fields' didn't exist until Gene Roddenberry created "Star Trek" in the mid-late 60s. And there's absolutely no mention in the Bible of Noah being a Gallifreyan Time Lord, whose TARDIS looked like a wooden ship (because like The Doctor's, it's Chameleon Circuit had stuck in one specific appearance; his being a Police Box). Nor was said 'Ark' a DNA repository/archive-cum-terraforming ship (the eponymous vessel in Don Bluth's Sci-Fi animated film "Titan AE"), nor a terraforming/transforming mecha-cum-population transporting ship (the 'Deucalion' in the Sci-Fi anime series "Kiddy Grade").
So, going by Occam's Razor, the only possible alternative is this: the Ark never existed. Thus the 'Flood' never happened. Therefore the Bible is a load of fictional bollocks that doesn't even have the right to be considered credible fiction, never mind the basis of an entire religious doctrine - and an insane 'belief' system - that has suckered the likes of you, supajimson. Ergo, Atheism. QED.
'the finding of noahs ark in the mountain range of arrarat is so well documented'
"I'd like to see some then.
The Chinese - as in Ancient (whose civilisation existed during the supposed Biblical 'Flood') were sticklers for keeping detailed records, natch. Not so much as a single mention of a cataclysmic, nation-destroying 'Flood' in all it's recorded history.
Kinda annihilates what the so-called literal 'Word of God' Bible says eh, supajimson & every Bible Literalist fundie?
...and you're welcome, drumbo. b^_^d (Your friendly neighbourhood dogma-destroyer-in-residence)