Roy Den Hollander #sexist
Females know about compassion, but only when it’s directed toward them. They genetically understand how to take advantage of a man’s decency. Enough of these phony female hard-luck stories meant to manipulate a guy’s compassion. “‘Mister, I met a man once when I was a kid,’ it always began.” When it comes to females, mercy is not a quality that serves men well.
Men are by far the more compassionate. 74% of the females survived the Titanic but only 20% of the men. If females were the compassionate sex, the numbers would have been reversed. Of course, to a Feminist, none of the men should have survived.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare programs—all were passed by largely male legislators and all have a majority of female beneficiaries.
Can you think of a single Congress lady who has pushed for funding to help boys who are falling behind in school? Do you know of any female-sponsored resolution that sympathized with the injustice done dads who are barred from seeing their kids? Can you name a law for prostate cancer research that was sponsored by a female? Sen. Ted Kennedy was the first to seize on the idea of championing breast cancer research, probably to increase his chances of fondling such glands.
I’ve played a few sports in my life and suffered my share of injuries. But whenever I was hobbling around on crutches or with a cane, never once, not once, did a girl give me her seat or move so I could pass.
Many females and all Feminazis have no concern for the thousands of men who die every year in gold and diamond mines as long as the ladies get their diamond and gold jewelry.