In the sense we have not established Christianity (or any other religion for that matter) as the official religion in our legal system, no we are not. Until the Supreme Court began to remove God from the public square beginning in the 1940s, however, in terms of values, sentiments, beliefs and adherence to a certain way of life...we most certainly were. Not any more, however. Not since the godless Radical Left took control of the government, media, education, arts & entertainment, and almost all other public institutions.
"Not since the godless Radical Left took control of the government, media, education, arts & entertainment, and almost all other public institutions."
We know this because we have lions eating christians on the superbowl halftime show.
First off, I said this elsewhere on FSTDT, most left-wing people I know (radical or otherwise) are religious, and most of them are some flavor or Christian, mainline Protestant often but also that touchy-feely Jesusy thing and even catholic. So there's that. They are not godless, but they respect other people's beliefs.
Second, I'm struck by the phrase "adherence to a certain way of life". What does this mean? Is this about LGBT? Like, no one was gay or trans* until the godless liberals grabbed power?
Since you acknowledge that the US does not have an official religion, it only made sense for the Supreme Court to remove God from the public square, since he shouldn't have been there in the first place.
"Not since the godless Radical Left took control of the government, media, education, arts & entertainment, and almost all other public institutions."
So... in 1788 then. Okay.
"They're not gonna let the Christians run everything any more. Some of the others don't want to play Christian now. That's persecution! Oh, the horror! "
** takes ball and goes home **
Yeah, that's why we have god printed on all of our currency and have children to pledge their allegiance, a vaguely ritualistic act on it's own, to one nation under god every day.
You have the most conservative "government, media, education, arts & entertainment" in the free world, you pathetic drama queen.
The Supreme Court didn't remove God from the public square in the 1940's. The Constitution removed your religion from government endorsement in the 1780's. Minority religions started filing lawsuits complaining that the Constitution was being ignored and the Supreme Court agreed with them. If you don't like it, change the First Amendment (good luck with that).
Not since the godless Radical Left took control of the government, media, education, arts & entertainment, and almost all other public institutions.
Unfortunately, what you call the "godless Radical Left" is about 70% of the population. You need to get out of the right-wing echo chamber and find out where the middle actually is.
If the Supreme Court was removing your god from the public square in the 40's, why did they allow the adoption of "In God We Trust" as the national motto, said motto being placed on our money, and the insertion of the line "Under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 50's?
If we were a "Christian Nation"TM in all but name before then, why was our government busy telling the rest of the world, by way of the Treaty of Tripoli, that we were in no way such a thing?
Ah the Golden Ages of Mid--twentieth century USA... When many thought my people had horns and my "lifestyle" was utterly criminalized. When having minority friends could get me killed, if I had them. A life of assimilation and camouflage over a pool of terror and isolation. Your grand Days were Grand because you were inside. And I wouldn't have been. Shmuck.
There's this thing
If religion actually created something besides fables and stopped taking advantage of/forced actual creators you might have a point.
But you haven't.
Nearly everything we respect admire or are fond of in our society has been created outside of religion and our advancements in society, science and freedoms are marked in history as the points in time religion loses it's command and becomes marginalized.
And fuck off with the "left" fear mongering, many conservative movers and shakers also ignore religious nonsense. Add up religious accomplishments, I maintain even church goers, the most devote regulars accomplished better things on their off-time or real life activities.
Even your founding fathers, some were Deists, believers who attended church but didn't allow that church to dictate their actions or ideas.
So what was the point of the War of Independence? You didn't want anything to do with King George III: Head of the Protestant Church of England: a state religion then ...!
It was Radicals who wanted nothing to do with such. Who were they referred to, I forget...? Oh yes, that's right: the Founding Fathers.
If not wanting anything to do with a state religion was good enough for them then , therefore we'll hear no more from you lot about 'The Founding Fathers wanted this to be a Christian nation!' in perpetuity, lest you want to admit that the 'Great Experiment' was a failure, and you want to hand over the US back to my country Britain...?!
...still, at least we Brits have an official religion here: Protestant Christianity, via the Church of England; as it was then with George III, so it is today with Queen Elizabeth II. You still jelly, Jimmy?! [/hyper-paradox]
the godless Radical Left took control of the government, media, education, arts & entertainment, and almost all other public institutions.
Let's hear it for the godless Radical Left!
Y'kno, the first few presidents and framers of our government were mostly the oddballs of society with respect to religion. Most of them were sceptics, and a few were even anti-religious.
Also, ironically, the myth of America as a Christian nation started to gain steam around the 1930s.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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