I hate the anti-western anti-whites no matter what their political affiliation.
Right! Too many Whites who post here are brain locked into left vs right concepts and they seemingly fail to see that this is really a White vs non-White struggle that we are in albeit with some political fluff surrounding this real struggle. We must focus on the reality of race and the fact that this is where the real fight exists, and not in safe left vs right or liberal vs conservative terms.
Exactly! While the left is decidedly anti-white and anti-West. Many of the so called leaders of the right are not much better embracing massive immigration, 'diversity' and apologetic about white history.
Part of our problem is that many Whites lack a sense of identity as Whites. They'll find their identity in all sorts of other things that are really meaningless in the struggle we are in as the distinct people we are. For example, many Whites will focus on their ancestral countries instead of a more overriding Whiteness or they will find their identity in racially neutral political parties or sports teams. Whites need to understand that we are part of the Great White Tribe. We are a distinct people with many branches. Diversity? We have it more than any other people. Look at the many differences we Whites have in hair and eye color as just one example. What should bind us together is our common Whiteness.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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