DonezoTheClown #dunning-kruger #sexist

Hypocrisy My response to the: "we only expose the crazy stuff incels do, we're not making fun of virgins"-argument.

Even if you only pointed out the bad stuff (which is a lie), you're still only focussing on one very small mostly depressed close to suicide group of people.

Imagine if a cop only arrested blacks, for years, never a white person just 100% black people. They could do worse crimes and the cop would ignore it but keep arresting blacks doing petty crimes. Would you think that's racist? Of course, you're progressive leftie. But aren't you doing the same to incels? Your post histories are IT, neckbeardthings, niceguys, maybe dyke or feminist stuff. None of you have ever seen a woman, Chad, muslim or SJW do anything wrong, you only care when we do something bad. The comparison is actually too charitable because there is no widespread depression or high suicide rate among blacks as there is for incels, but I know how much you soys care about your minorities.

Saying "this is why you're an incel" when we say shit you don't like is the same as "this is why you're a virgin". You use our inceldom against us, you look down on us and there must be something wrong with us, why else would bad thing = reason why you're not getting laid? But the same people who think this will also tell us "there isn't anything wrong with being a virgin and they would never look down on us for that reason".

I wanna add that I truely hope that the foids of IT have the IQ high enough to understand that them spreading their legs isn't proof that their personality is good, it's not, in fact most of your personalities are dogshit and men would never hang out with you if they weren't trying to get laid. The fact you sit on IT makes you even worse than the average foid. You have no reason to look down on anyone.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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