With the multitude of sexually transmitted diseases on the scene, getting involved in sexual sin is gambling with your life. Not one person infected with HIV/AIDS has ever lived -NOT ONE! If you are harassed and tormented by filthy memories or fantasies flooding your mind, if you are constantly undressing others with your eyes, if you are a fornicator, adulterer, homosexual, masturbator, porno addict or any other type of sexual deviant, then you have opened the door for many evil spirits (demons) to enter and live INSIDE YOU! Once they've gained entrance they will force you to increase your sin habit until you are out of control and damned to burn forever in Hell. You cannot defeat these forces in your own strength, without help you are doomed to remain their SLAVE. There is only one way of escape -THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!
Magic Johnson would like to have a word with you.
Also, life itself is a sexual transmitted disease that’s universally terminal.
First off, the claim that nobody with HIV survived is true- because they are all human, and all humans will, eventually, die. There are however quite a few people, especially in areas that have readily available access to HIV-medication, that lived to a ripe old age (per example, in the UK the latest numbers say that about 2 in every 5 HIV-patients is over 50 (http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/jul/27/hiv-survivors-poverty-prejudice )). So, either that statement is shooting fish in a barrel, or factually false.
The rest is just the usual religious mumbo-jumbo, without any foothold in reality.
Stephen Crohn was effectively immune to HIV, and he was gay. His death was due to suicide, not HIV, which he had been exposed to several times, but he was never infected.
So there's that.
With the multitude of sexually transmitted diseases on the scene, getting involved in sexual sin is gambling with your life
They're called "rubbers" and quite effective at preventing STDs.
Not one person infected with HIV/AIDS has ever lived -NOT ONE!
Except the millions currently living with the disease.
"getting involved in sexual sin is gambling with your life."
Condoms. Use of bad analogy. Your argument is invalid .
"Once they've gained entrance they will force you to increase your sin habit until you are out of control and damned to burn forever in Hell. You cannot defeat these forces in your own strength, without help you are doomed to remain their SLAVE."
Stop it, you're turning me on.
"There is only one way of escape -THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!"
You lot are infinitely more Vampiric than Goths !
Not one person infected with Christianity has ever lived* -NOT ONE!
*lived beyond the day they die, as everyone eventually dies.
They said on the news yesterday that HIV is not a deadly disease any longer; as long as you eat your (multitude of) medicines, you don't get AIDS and you are not contagious. They interviewed a person who had lived with HIV for 20 years, he was still alive. But, as we are all going to die sooner or later, you're right in essentials.
If masturbation is sexually deviant, then we are all deviants.
Yeah, because there is nothing deviant about drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a long-dead Jewish guy!
Newsflash: all people infected with life have died or will die one day!!
As for the rest, you may not have heard of syphilis. Google it. Sexually-transmitted diseases are nothing new and they were quite rampant in times when religion was way more prevalent than now.
"There is only one way of escape -THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!"
Of course, as long as you are aware of, and are able to tolerate, the disturbing side effects. Notably, pronounced spittle-flecking, an inclination towards intolerance, the heightening of your desire to persecute others, the blossoming of your awful bigotry, the uncanny need to be pleased by your delusions, reveling in ignorance , and the sublime unawareness of your glaring gullibility.
Compare and contrast with the delights of atheism which are like a pleasant stroll in the park, with, quite possibly, plenty of gratuitous sex along the way.
"If you are harassed and tormented by filthy memories or fantasies flooding your mind, if you are constantly undressing others with your eyes, if you are a fornicator, adulterer, homosexual, masturbator, porno addict or any other type of sexual deviant"
If you are not one of those things then it is you who is really the deviant. Further more, transubstantiation is for catholics only.
Astonishing that a piece of rubber can save you from all this unpleasantness, isn't it? Simple, cheap, effective, and man-made.
Where is your god now?
Blood! Where can I get some of this, rather than raid the blood bank?
Do I rub it in, or drink it?
"Not one person infected with HIV/AIDS has ever lived -NOT ONE!"
Tell that to my Uncle who literally has no sign of HIV anymore. Tell that to Magic Johnson. I don't know if you realize this but HIV is no longer a death sentence. People can live full lives who are infected.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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