"I’m not sure if you know this already, but don’t forget we have female anti feminist supporters too."
And they’re not particularly welcome here. Such supporters nearly always tend to be femiservatives who seek to hijack the men’s rights movement in the interests of protecting their own sexual value, just as females have hijacked just about every concievable political viewpoint for the same reason – from socialism to the extreme right, to transhumansim and to animal rights.
Reminiscent, this is, of the abrasive, knee-jerk attitude Tumblr Social Justice Warriors have towards allies. The horseshoe effect in action.
Hijack? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Why is it surprising that women would be involved in political and social issues? Why wouldn't women promote social change for women and girls? MRAs certainly aren't doing it, ever... Why anyone would want to steal the "men's rights" movement is the real question, though.
So you don't like the women whose opinion contradict your own, and you don't like the women who share your opinion. Based only on this quote, I'd have to wonder if you actually like any woman at all. Combined with its companion quote , it sounds creepily like the only females you'd enjoy would be the ones too young, too brainwashed or too lobotomized to hold any opinion of their own...
"in the interests of protecting their own sexual value,"
Please, forget we have any "sexual value." Just leave women completely alone, and stop saying we can get anything we want with sex.
@Hasan Prishtina
Anyone would think you weren't so much an anti-feminist, more a plain old misogynist. And women hijacking transhumance? Really?
"This is a hijacking! Take these sheeps to Tehran!" :P
If a woman who actually didn't want to throw rocks at you, you'd tell her to go away?
Cue upcoming rant about how no women will give them respect!
Even animal rights!... In a long life, I have been involved in many causes, and none of them were about my "sexual value" . Though perhaps that's all those grotty Judith Iscariot "femiservatives" have the wit to think about.
So, males have never hijacked any political viewpoint, ever, right? As you apparently think that women have no value, we HAVE to protect our own value, sexual or otherwise.
Women can't win with these guys even when they agree with them. Either way, the bitch is using them. Most of those "women" who agree are men pretending to be women--Sunshine Mary, the (un)thinking housewife, etc.
Still not sure if MRAs simply stopped developing emotionally & psychologically after the age of 8, or if they're all just sociopaths with terrible self-esteem.
Either way, they're kind of pathetic.
Here's some compelling evidence that most men (secretly?) have sexual preferences for adolescent girls.
Search statistics show that girls about 14 are the most searched for
In an internet survey in which men were shown pictures of females without being informed of their age, girls about 14 were rated sexually desirable the most often:
In 1 study men rated female faces about 13 years old the most attractive and other studies show similar results.
All of this is in very close agreement with what biology predicts about male preferences
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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