Nick and Sarah Jensen #fundie

Gays really will destroy marriage!

the pair are so concerned about Australia's increasing embrace of same-sex marriage that this week husband Nick declared a bizarre protest on the cover of lifestyle weekly Canberra CityNews: if marriage equality passes, the Christian couple will be "forced" to divorce, yet still refer to each other as "husband" and "wife," cohabitate, have children, and raise their family together.

"Why do this?" Jensen asks the question many readers are likely wondering. "The reason is that, as Christians, we believe marriage is not a human invention," he answers, later adding that "This is what we have to do as Christians who believe in a Biblical definition of marriage, that we can't see that definition change in a way that no longer reflects God's truth."

Yet Jensen says he will clearly be able to remain his wife's husband after divorce, even if the state changes the "fundamental" heterosexual definition of their union. "Many Christians, like my wife and me, as well as people of other faiths, will simply reject the need for the State to recognise their marriage," he explains. "Instead they will look to the authority of their church, mosque or temple."



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