Tartaria Britannica #crackpot #magick #conspiracy tartariabritannica.com

The Spring Equinox is not just the turning of a season. It is not a quaint festival marking the return of warmth to the northern lands. It is a switching point, designed into the architecture of the realm itself, where the pulse of the field neutralizes and the conditions for transfer open. This is the moment when the system listens. And what is anchored in that silence determines the shape of the cycle that follows.
Everything in this realm runs on current. The sky, the land, the waters, the pulse of the Sun—all of it part of the same system. You are no exception. The water in your blood, the salts in your cells, the electric charge of your nervous system, the frequency of your brainwaves—every part of you is built to harmonize with the breath of the machine.

At the Spring Equinox, when the field drops into balance, your own field follows. Your resistance falls. Your signal clarifies. And what you carry internally—whether intention, emotion, or thought—broadcasts cleanly into the system with almost no distortion.
Those who fill the gate with noise—through distraction, fear, and synthetic events—understand this perfectly. They aren’t playing by accident. They know the stakes.
The Spring Equinox is the chosen window for resetting the global financial system, launching fiscal years, and shifting the flows of wealth. The current moves, and those who control the larger levers of the machine ride that movement to lock in their next arc of control.

Mass rituals unfold in plain sight, disguised as global events and cultural spectacles. The same patterns repeat—high-profile media, synchronized ceremonies, staged distractions—filling the field with artificial resonance designed to overwrite the natural harmonic. And when noise is not enough, chaos is introduced. Historical disruptions, collapses, and shocks cluster around this window for a reason. The system is open. The field is listening. And fear is as much a seed as anything else.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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