To an atheist, anything that shows respect and etiquette to another person is mindless and meaningless, which is why they refuse to say such simple phrases as "Bless you" and "Thank you" and "Please." Although atheists (claim to) have high IQs, their EQs are surely in the single digits
My IQ is probably about slightly above average. I tested well on the ASVAB 93/99 score with a 145 GT...It was enough to get me selected for special forces...
My EQ on the other hand is usually pretty low because I use my bass effects pedal to make all the modifications to my sound...
Are you retarded?
I thought about replying politely, but on second thought:
You and your ilk don't deserve respect. You are willfully ignorant and you spread lies about reality. You swindle and guilt people out of their wealth and you work to fetter the minds of children. You manipulate your flock through terror and you seek to blind all humanity to the wonder and tremendous awe of reality in all its facets.
You seek to keep humanity shackled at the bottom of a cave, terrified of some imaginary monster at your beck and call. Would that there was a hell I could threaten you with. Instead, I will say just this: there is no reward after death for those such as you. There is only pain, darkness, and oblivion. You have wasted your life in the pursuit of blind obeisance, and you will never get another shot at existence.
On a practically daily basis I speak 3 or four languages - I live in a border area in Europe, so it's normal enough. I also have fluency in another 3. In all of these, on a regular basis, I thank people, I ask politely, and I wish them well. So you were saying...?
I can also be rude when it is warranted. So to you I say STFU. You are an ignorant gobshite who is out of your depth in such matters. Try not to display any further ignorance.
Actually, my EQ is quite high. I have high feelings of empathy towards my fellow human beings, which is why I feel bad whenever I tell someone to go bareback a radiator.
I have found an alternative - I simply say "bless you" in the place of "go bareback a radiator", and everyone is happy!
lol someone found guys just to clue you in, this is an old troll site. its satire
i posted on it, it was fun, sometimes they were really good at it lol
Nunsense! I'm so polite I say "Bless You" whenever I hear someone in the same room sneeze even though I know it's a stupid thing to say. (Can't bring myself to say "God bless you," however; I'm willing to go to stupid but not all the way down to fucktarded.)
Edit: Oh crap! This is just from an obsolete troll forum? Oh well, have a nice day any way, please and thank you very much.
Having never had my IQ tested, since I see no reason to, I can't argue that I have a high IQ compared to a low EQ.
I don't say bless you to those who sneeze because really, why do they need to be blessed? It's a natural, biological and chemical reaction to irritants in the sinus's.
As for please and thank you, um, that is just ignorance. Or, wishful thinking. The worse you make people who are different look, the better you look to yourself.
Thank you, very much for proving so many people right. Please, try again.
"Aww, bless! You are trying to please your sky-daddy by lying your little fundie ass off. Unfortunately your own holy book says that you get sent to hell for that, but thank you for playing!"
See, we do say those things.
(Yes, I know it's a troll!)
Bless you implies a religious belief(and not many mainstream religious people use it, anyway). In other words, they have no interest whatsoever in you having approvation from a higher being they don't believe in. Thank you and please are as often said by atheists as any other person. Any other non-sequitur you wanna add?
I don't really go for the whole bless-you thing, but I do it as socially required. Please and thank you just come naturally.
I'm a Bright, but I once identified as an atheist.
No, I actually say "Thank you" semi-regularly. Hold doors for people, shower, wear deoderant, etc.
And I know you're just trying to compensate for your low IQ.
You freaking wish you had my IQ.
Fuck you very much.
I find that "Gesundheidt" or salud works for me (Spanish, pronounced salOOD)
I work with a fundie and NO WAY would I ever get him wound up by saying Bless You. I have to be careful not to mention anything that sounds like 'god' (oh my god, oh f'r god's sake, etc. or he starts praising jeebus that at long last I've been saved. Even Goddamnit and he stink-eyes me the rest of the shift) Heh heh
Unlike Christians who think "trust me, I'm a Christian" = "I'm going to fuck you so bad, you're kids will feel it".
Yep that's the group that I want to get my morals from.
Edit: Damn, Poe site. Oh well, my statement still stands.
Hmm, that's odd. I said 'Thank you' to my mom yesterday when she bought me lunch.
I guess that means you fail :)
I don't say "bless you" - since it's a contraction of "God bless you" then, coming from an atheist, that would just be patronising.
I can, and do, still say "please" and "thank you" with meaning.
I work with a fundie and NO WAY would I ever get him wound up by saying Bless You. I have to be careful not to mention anything that sounds like 'god' (oh my god, oh f'r god's sake, etc. or he starts praising jeebus that at long last I've been saved. Even Goddamnit and he stink-eyes me the rest of the shift) Heh heh
Have you tried seeing how many obscure ones, that he doesn't know about, you can get away with? Here's a few starters:
Cor Blimey - "God blind me"
Strewth - "God's truth"
Bloody - Reference to the blood of Christ.
Zounds - God's (Jesus's) wounds
You could also experiment with Cockney rhyming slang.
It is interesting to note that, in most censorship schemes, references to bodily functions (especially sexual ones) are generally far more taboo than any of that religious crap.
True.. all except for the part where you lied and made the whole thing up. SO, in retrospect.. it's all false. Sorry to disappoint.
Oh.. look, I said "sorry". And now I would kindly thank you to STFU and go back to servicing your pastor, please.
Oh.. look, I said "thank you" and "please".
Oh.. and bless you.
"To an atheist, anything that shows respect and etiquette to another person is mindless and meaningless, which is why they refuse to say such simple phrases as "Bless you" and "Thank you" and "Please.""
Actually, I make it a point to say please and thank you. Bless you seems rather a stupid superstitious holdover so I refrain from that one.
"Although atheists (claim to) have high IQs, their EQs are surely in the single digits"
Uh, ok.
I say please, thank you and even open doors for women. I do say "bless you" when people sneeze: it's automatic. Having been brought up in the north of England in the 1950s you did say that. And raise your cap to ladies. And give up your seat on buses and trains. I'm still an atheist.
Seems to me that the one without respect is MessiahWWKD, but I'm hardly surprised.
I'm not exactly an atheist, I'm an apatheistic ignostic. But the comparison is close enough that I'm shaking my head in wonder at your ignorance.
I won't touch the bless you part right now, but we don't have a problem with saying please and thank you! I say them all the time. I like to say please to my server at a restaurant when I want a refill and I say thank you when they bring it to me. Plus I smile at them and try to be a pleasant customer. And you know what? I generally get very good service at restaurants because I like to treat everyone like I want to be treated (with respect and dignity) unless they've shown me a reason to treat them otherwise.
Now, as politely as possible, please fuck off. Thank you :)
Right, because I've never heard an atheist say "bless you", "thank you", or "please". I actually see a lot of them go around in protests shouting and holding up signs that say "Outlaw 'bless you'" and "Mother Nature hates 'Please' and 'Thank you'".
Bless you: Used to, until I trained myself to say "gesundheit".
Please: said all the time!
Thanks you: Same as please.
I'm even teaching my son to say *gasp* "please" and "thank you". He's a very polite two year old! Even says thank you on his own now... .well, he signs it at least!
from wikipedia: "The most distant roots of Emotional intelligence can be traced back to Darwin’s early work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and adaptation."
zomg, evilution!
I have average EQ and above average IQ thankyouverymuch.
As one theist (as opposed to an atheist) to another, Shut the fuck up you self-righteous prick.
yhea, there are rude people on both sides buddy.
I have impecable manners, thank you. I always say "please" go fuck yourself you retatded piece of shit, when ever addressing a fundie, and "thank you" to mother nature, when a Tornado sucks the living jebuz out of the White trash southern Baptists living in Tornado alley.
When you act like a human, show reason and compassion I will treat you like one untill then, your just going to have to deal with it.
fundamentalists delenda est
I DO say "bless you," I simply don't say "God bless you." I DO say "please," & I DO say "thank you." You, however, have been quite rude to us all. Would you kindly apologize now?
Philbert McAdamia: *Snicker* I'd say things like that just to watch him have a coronary.
But then, I'm a Godless heathen. Thank you. :D
Christians secretly kill children and sodomise their corpses in their religious ceremonies.
Thanks WWKD, I'm getting the hang of this unjustified slander now.
Except- after the pedophile scandals, my story is far more plausible than yours.
I'm sorry that you feel that way about atheists, clearly you have reasons for distrusting these people, and we'd rather help you through this awkward situation.
Please understand that just because I don't think your soul comes out when you sneeze, doesn't mean I wouldn't care about other ailments you may experience.
Please see that me and my IQ of 155 is here to help you.
Obviously incorrect, I am an atheist and I say please, thank you and even "bless you".
Loads of atheists do have high IQs, they get it from thinking outside the box
I use please and thank you all the time, but "Bless you"? Why would an atheist talk about blessing someone? I don't even KNOW anyone who says "Bless you", but then I have a pretty sensible group of friends.
No, dearie, to an atheist, anything that concerns gods or religions is mindless and meaningless. Other people definitely exist, so being kind and respectful to them makes perfect sense. Have you ever met an atheist in real life?
Most Swedes are non-religious and sure, we might not be known for being the life and soul of a party, and we are perhaps a bit shy and quiet. But we still say things like Please and Thank you (both in Swedish and English, as many of us speak English fairly well). The Swedish word for Bless sounds very old-fashioned and declamatory, and few use it. When people sneeze, we say "Prosit" (may it benefit you).
A lot of atheists and non-religious people seem to have high IQ's, yes. I don't know if the high IQ makes religion seem ridiculous, or the non-religiousness helps people to achieve high IQ (the seeking of knowledge is work-out for the brain; if you're satisfied with Goddidit, you'll never give your brain a proper work-out).
Now go and play with the other kids, honey, the adults are talking here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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