pornoddio & HikikunDeformis #sexist


The politicians that work in the field of male rights are professional ones, only that they are unsuccessful.

This is why male rights are besieged by ex communitst, ex fascists, politicians that earned a reputation in a past youth organization and so on. Because most of them come from the oversized bureaucracy, they try to find a spot where to exercize their politician functions, and we are then seen as "the paycheck" of the bureaucrat, only that we are vacant allocation of jobs for whoever wants to take us. This is our "role" in contemporary societies.

Nobody truly expects us to take control of our own narrative first, then take action according to our terms and our interests, elect our best men to represent us and push our incel will into the throats of normies.

In case you haven't noticed, all the people that disrupt us are weaklings, that only succeed because we are even weaker than they are. Point is that if I am the only one doing resistance, we will never win. If I was helped by only 1 other incel we would be 2, and if we are 2 instead of 1, we win, simply because our enemies are weak and pathetic.

Think about it. How many obstacles there are in life? There are judges, cops, army members, feminists, institutions, sociologists, psychiatrists, normie servants of twitter narratives and so on. Life is full of obstacles. If we let a lowlevel politician to defeat us, then we're weak. And that's it. Weaklings like us deserve their role in life as vermins. Unless we start to actually care about our own legitimate interests.

Male rights can only be achieved by taking away the privilege from women so no women will ever support them. Men on the other hand are either brainwashed into thinking that they have it better or worse think that it's okay for them to suffer just because they are men. Male belief of sacrifice for women and children is ancient.
It was probably instilled in our ancestors by wealthy people who needed cannon fodder.

I wouldn't say losing when being outnumbered 1000 to 1 makes you weak. It's just a reality. Even a super genius that would manage to make home made weapons of mass descrution would lose to sheer number of people. Germans tried to win ww2 with superior technology and weapons but ultimately lost because they couldn't produce so many tanks or field so many soldiers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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