This will become the "new normal" in America if we allow the Democrats to win in 2018!
This is NOT "propaganda," this is a FACT!
Time to put an end to this madness!
#MAGA #Ghost
So... if Democrats win in 2018, more transgendered people will be posting pictures of people who expose their genitals in public? There must be some kind of strange logic to this, or else they posted the wrong article.
Anyone who cites The Daily Mail as a valid news source is asking to be mocked & will never be taken seriously outside of his creepy little right wing majini circle.
If only this ghost would fade into the ether & never befoul the web again with his idiocy.
Sounds like another scandal, from what is well known as a British scandal rag (even here). Next you'll expect me to believe all those alternative facts they print in the Daily Terror.
We get it that you hate all gay and transgender people, but most of them don't behave as scandalously as this. Now, foul Ghost, hence, and trouble us not!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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