Benjamin Villaroel, Alabanese and Garrido #racist

The White World’s Southernmost Front

The great question of the 20th century was whether freedom could survive the onslaught of totalitarianism. The great question of this century is whether the white world can survive the rising tide of color. Europeans in every corner of the world are facing this reality, and slowly rising to meet the challenge.

Though often overlooked, the whites of Latin America’s Southern Cone — Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile — are no exception. They too are now developing the politics of “white blowback” in the face of mass immigration, and forming civic and political groups to ensure a future for themselves and their posterity.

This is an interview with Alabanese and Garrido, leaders of the Chilean group National Identitarian Force (Fuerza Nacional-Identitaria in Spanish, “FNI” for short). I conducted the interview in Spanish in June 2019, and translated it myself, and have added explanations in brackets and English-language hyperlinks for clarification. All emphasis was added by the FNI.

BV: What does the future hold for the whites of the Southern Cone?

FNI: Capitalism and the free market can be a double-edged sword for whites who lack ethnic and racial awareness. On the one hand, capitalism helps keep the colonial caste system in place, which lets whites live decent and stable lives. On the other hand, economic well-being invites mass immigration by the indigent and the non-white.

In time, democracy will lose legitimacy, especially in diverse countries (such as Chile). It will be overwhelmed by identity politics, which at some point will begin to put pressure on the white oligarchies that run the system.

So long as socialism doesn’t make headway, republicanism (aligned with the West) can serve as a buffer for the Southern Cone’s socio-political stability. This will passively contribute (since it isn’t racially conscious) to the material well-being of our white populations. Racially aware whites will continue to be a minority, as the process of this group’s ethnogenesis is only just beginning. We will continue to eschew political participation and instead focus on the cultural battle that must be waged in order to awaken the forces of racial identity and awareness.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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