various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @FilthyPianist )
@Nature_and_Race one only need to remember the Sephardic filth that "converted" only to be further found out they kept being subversive, hence the Inquisition. christians, the European plague

( @Bateburglestien )
Their conversions amounted to nothing more than a baptism.
Which then provided a path for waves of Jews to infiltrate the Church and seize positions of authority within it.
And if not by that method than through secret societies.
But the Merovingians and Carolingians were already claiming descent from the line of David.
Even so that did not stop wealthy jews from marrying daughters into the noble houses of the aristoracy. Which is precisely why jewishness is matrilineal for most jews.

( @Twistle )
@Nature_and_Race I couldn’t say this about white people. There is little unity among us. A kunta will call a white woman a “racist karen” and all the white people flee in terror, rather than come to another white’s defense.

( @Mullet )

The Apostle Paul was downright vicious to the jews once he tired of their BS, and he even harshly rebuked Peter when he started drifting back into judaism because of peer pressure. Nevertheless, Paul was born a jew and even waxed nostalgia for his fellow jews in some of his epistles. Race matters, it's ingrained in our souls.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Mullet Paul was not a mongrel edomite jew he was a pureblood Israelite, the only apostle that was an edomite jew was the one that Paul replaced, Judas.

Whether the story is true or an allegory the moral of the story remains the same, Jesus/Yahshua chose Judas the edomite mongrel jew as his disciple knowing full well that Judas would betray him in the end thus proving the point that as a leopard can never change it's spots neither too can a jew change his deceiving nature. @Nature_and_Race

( @TaboRaceBookDOTcom )
@Nature_and_Race What do you think of David Horowitz?... "The racism in our country is an epidemic of anti-White racism. You can say anything about White people. You can fling terms like White supremacy around with no evidence, no basis in reality.”

( @VLCOX )
@Nature_and_Race What an idiot. That's like saying a nigger is no longer a nigger just because they say their not.



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