OF COURSE THERE IS! There are A LOT of enjoyable things in the world.
Most people are neither young nor attractive, but we plod on with life anyway.
You can be pleasant and bubbly, whatever age you are.
Most recorded philosophy has been done by old geezers.
Hedonism and pleasure of the flesh can also be eating really good food, sleeping in a very comfy bed, dancing to excellent music, having an inspiring conversation with pleasant people, reading an engaging book. My personal favorite is sitting under my cherry tree in summer, listening to the birds, looking at and smelling the flowers, a very light breeze moving the leaves of the tree and brushing lightly over my cheeks, a glass of iced rosé wine in my hand. All senses satisfied at the same time. (With a howling wind and pouring rain, no flowers or birds, I have to make do with the iced rosé wine, and sitting inside my house, looking out on the cherry tree. But that’s not bad either, that’s more than most people in the world have. I’m fortunate and grateful.)
Yes, having your pretty, bubbly daughter hugging you with sincere feelings of love is probably wonderful. Something I will never experience, as I’m involuntarily childless. Somehow, I manage to refrain from hating all parents in the world, and I have no inclination to buy a weapon and go to the nearest playing ground…
You have not been denied anything, you are denying yourself this.
The pretty bubbly girls of the world don’t like womanizers. They like sincere guys who are bubbly back.
Ever hear the phrase “fake it till you make it”, dearie? How about enjoying all those OTHER things I listed above, then you might BECOME an enjoyable human being; someone who pretty, bubbly women might be interested in. You might not think it now, but 45-year-old men seem to find 45-year-old pretty, bubbly women fairly pleasurable, as well. Few 45-year-olds consider themselves as OLD; they might have 45 more years to live, maybe even more…