various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @The_Nose )
We are getting close to the tipping point and they know it. They are extra neurotic lately and rightfully so because herd antisemitism is just around the corner. The more they try to "shut it down" the more the Streisand Effect shines a spotlight on their tricks.
( @Joker019 )
@The_Nose The jews will set fire to the world soon. Buckle up.
( @Sylviadeedee )
@Joker019 @The_Nose
Ever consider they *want* Jews to leave America so they can destroy it?
( @ThatsTooBad_ )
@The_Nose They're shook because younger generations aren't nearly as ZOG'd as the boomers.
( @Gabber52 )
@The_Nose these people have made an ubelievable amount of progress against us with simple cons and sheer chutzpah. At the same time, I'm convinced they can become entirely freaked out and flee from the slightest amount of public exposure and publicity. Its likely because they can't believe how much we've fallen for, and they're convinced we must be playing dumb as we make advanced preparations to genocide them back.
( @masteractio )
@Gabber52 @The_Nose That's why they work so hard to keep us separated, because, there sure has hell are some Whites paragons, geniuses and our future generals, who have long planned for everything. Eviction, Extinction, everything, depending on what must be done to answer the jq.
Connecting Whites to our lost paragons is absolutely destructive to the jew world order.
( @ThomasRevere )
@Gabber52 @The_Nose The truth is to Jews what a crucifix is to vampires.