samsdat #transphobia

"Gender-affirming care" is self-harm

It seems blatantly obvious, doesn’t it? I understand how people who haven’t given an ounce of thought to it can go along with the idea that “gender affirming care” is good for “trans kids” and that “trans kids” are even real, but as soon as you start thinking it through, the whole concept falls apart and it becomes clear that the trans-identified teenage girls are the biggest victims in this movement. And the mental health industry, particularly the APA, but also the counseling and therapy professions, are glibly helping destroy these young women (and no, I know it’s not everyone, but if the majority are against it, they aren’t speaking out).

And ordinary people are also helping it along, particularly the most outspoken “allies” out there, the ones who actually have no personal skin in the game, no “trans” kids, no transing themselves, just an “I know better than everyone else and I’m going to make the world a better place, because I am Good and Kind, and damn the torpedos (and the truth and the well being of children and anything else that stands in my way)” self-righteous attitude. If it weren’t for the vehement allies being such enthusiastic flying monkeys for the whole trans movement, this whole damn movement would have fallen apart due to mockery and honest debate a while back.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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