[TV is going digital, so of course, Rapture Ready is panicking]
big brother will be watching you ....
and will suddenly find out who watches FOX news for the truth
Who watches FOX News for the truth? How long can that possibly take?
Once they've said, "You're watching FOX," they're completely out of truth for the day. Just adding "News" to that phrase is a falsehood.
Watching FOX for the truth?
That´s like reading Nietzsche for a laugh.
We got digital TV in my country a few years back and people were complaining here too, not about being spied on though.
as if it isn't evident from the things that come out of your mouth that you watch FOX?
seriously, it isn't necessary to do high-tech espionage to figure out which households watch FOX; 2-3 simple questions thrown into conversation is enough. besides, this sin;t exactly useful information, since there's too much noise because some people like to watch FOX for the lulz (or are masochistic and like getting upset)
@Dio Fa: Hey, my uncle (by marriage) is a FOXhound, and he doesn't go to a megachurch. He's an inbred mouth breather, but he goes to a backwoods church so crazy it's only got a dozen members.
Fox News & Truth...?
Let's hope that anyone who posts on Rupture Ready using a Laptop, doesn't realise that said laptops often have built in T.V cameras, in the form of webcams...
Remember, Big Brother is indeed watching you, & could vote you off at any time, assuming that he could be bothered to do so...
Also, Davina McCall is doing the commentry...
There are cameras installed in lots of places in public. If you seem so worried about the converter box being a camera, why don't you just get cable or satillite? If you think that they can somehow determine what your watching through the same cable that they used to give you Analog signal, might I suggest you take a trip to the nearest friendly psychatrist to iron out your anxieties?
Fox News for truth? Ummmm, Ok, whatever.
And to think I thought there was going to be an explosion of conspiracy theorists stating they are seeing "Lizard People" due to digital TV. I mean just look at the funny Youtube clips over it. In one "Lizard People" clip the part when the persons "Lizard identity" is "showing through", if you look at the person's left shoulder you will see pixilation ocurring as well as on the face.
@Pule Thamex
"I would have thought that they would prefer digital to analog since digital doesn't have anal in it. "
But it has "digit" in it, and who knows what those digits are getting up to...
Uhh.. or they could just ask people. Most that watch it are pretty loud about that fact.
Its really sad, because I see Fox news becoming the tabloid of TV, and I seem to remember them being okay before.
Watching FOX News for the truth is like...
....reading the Marquis de Sade for its moral lessons.
....eating 6 chocolate cakes in order to lose weight.
....watching Jackass for the insightful social commentary.
....drinking vodka to get sober.
....snorting cocaine to stay healthy.
big brother will be watching you...
Except that OTA TV is a one-way medium. The Internet, on which you're complaining about evil nature of digital TV, is definitely a two-way medium that you can't always control or even know the outbound contents.
Anyone who watches FOX "News" searching for the truth ends up sorely disappointed.
And someone tell me how "going digital" magically inserts a camera into your TV screen? I don't get this, among many other crazy things these people say.
If I was "Big Brother", the last thing I would want to watch is a bunch of unwashed, semi-literate hicks digging in the couch cushions for Cheetos and exposing their fat ass-cracks to me in the process. Hell, I would get SWAT teams to invade their houses and crack their skulls in just for that. Fucking disgusting.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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