Robert Teske #ufo #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy
This is the "Grandfather" of all conspiracy theories in regards to Ufology, ET, and everything "Alien". The famed "Roswell Crash of 1947" is just the "tip of the iceberg". The Prophesies of Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel are playing out before our eyes today, before the eyes of THIS generation TODAY! In view of the current environmental, social, political, and economical atmosphere that permeates every culture of this world, you must be able to see the BIGGER picture; the entire spectrum, if you will, not just one color. And that spectrum goes far beyond what anyone could have ever perceived possible. It goes beyond science fiction. Hollywood couldn’t even have conceived the reality of Hell ON, BENEATH, or ABOVE Earth. But rest assured, they will damned sure try to convince you otherwise. With that said, don’t even try to imagine what is between the covers of this manuscript. You have to read it for yourself. There will be many who will discard any and all notion that any of this could remotely be true. Are the words between these cover true? I don’t know. I pray to God that they’re NOT. But I will tell you this much, I have definitely gone through an Attitude Adjustment, and I have seriously begun to question my concepts of reality. We are living in very dangerous and very treacherous times. So read on and see if any of this makes as much sense to you as it does to me. Open your hearts, open your minds, and question EVERYTHING!