[Blackpill] I've Never Heard A Foid Say She Wants A Virgin Husband
Even from religious foids whose own religion bans s*x outside of marriage I've never seen them say they want a virgin husband the way guys say they want a virgin wife. Why do foids hate God so much? Chad=the God of foids.
Why would anyone want a virgin anything? There's your answer.
Because s*x outside marriage is banned in both Christianity and Islam. So if a foid is actually religious she should be a virgin until marriage and marry a virgin man.
Just how many women cinfide their desires to you, though?
But then, you guys think porn is resl, so you probably accept any internet posts that draw your sttention as being a window into the real thoughts of real women.
How much time do you spend on any sort of Christian.Net?
So... instead of seeing the fetishisation of virginity (something a lot of incels seem to be guilty of, apparently) as the rubbish it is, you decide to suggest that people should expect the same of men, in the hopes of, what, making incels seem more desirable?
Well, as much as I vaguely respect the idea of holding similar standards for everyone in general, how about we just don't judge people negatively for how much sexual experience they might have?
Seriously, the last thing I would ever want someone to be attracted to is my virginity.
Ah, yes, youthislife. Understander of the female psyche. Not only does he have a degree, but he knows dozens of women who confide in him daily their deepest thoughts and emotions, which he has the expertise to decipher. It’s not like he just pulled this shit right out of his ass, right? Right…?
Because s*x outside marriage is banned in both Christianity and Islam
UK: Bozo the Clown .
USA: Donald Fart.
The former had to swear an oath of loyalty to Queen Elizabeth II - head of the Church of England - before becoming an MP: least of all PM, in the House of Commons. The last four words of the oath taken by the latter at it's inauguration on 20th January 2017.
So either (check one):
[ ] Your 'God' has removed at least two commandments out of a certain Ten: thus the fact your entire 'argument' being destroyed is the least of your problems
[ ] By behaving the way they have - despite they being as 'religious' as you think they are: certainly those who are part of their political parties and even their voters are concerned - they don't care about at least two of your 'God's commandments. Why? Because they know that your 'God' doesn't exist, or they would obey not only those two commandments. PROTIP: Jim Bakker. Jimmy Swaggart. Ted Faggard. Josh Buggar. Jerry FAILwell, Jr.
Choose wisely, OP.
Because the Abrahamic religions (and, in regards to Christianity, the Graeco-Roman world as well) are traditionally deeply patriarchal and thus have a double standard where the man is given endless credit account of easy forgiveness for sexual sins even during marriage or celebacy, whereas the woman is shamed, victim-blamed and even punished without mercy.
bans s*x outside of marriage
People shouldn’t have s-asterisk-x outside of marriage?
Because each of those men were terrified - TERRIFIED, I tell ya! - of it happening to HIM that he discovers he spent all that time helping raise ANOTHER man’s child while BELIEVING the child to be his.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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